Discovered the fastest rotating planet in the universe, takes only 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution!

PSR J1748−2446ad is currently the fastest rotating object in the known universe. The speed of rotation in a straight line at the equator is about 24% of the speed of light, or 70,000 kilometers per second. This planet only takes 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution, which means it can rotate 716 times per second which is equivalent to about 42,000 times in a minute. While Earth rotates much slower than it does, our planet takes about 24 hours to make one revolution.

Picture 1 of Discovered the fastest rotating planet in the universe, takes only 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution!
PSR J1748−2446ad is the fastest known pulsar, at 716 Hz or 716 times per second. This pulsar was discovered by Jason WT Hessels of McGill University on November 10, 2004 and confirmed on January 8, 2005.

PSR J1748−2446ad is a high-speed rotating neutron star, also known as a pulsar, which regularly emits radio signals, and was thought to have been a signal from an alien civilization some time ago. this.

The reason it spins so fast is because it was formed by the collapse of matter in the core of a massive star after a supernova explosion. Due to the conservation of angular momentum, this shrinking process will make the neutron star's rotation speed incredibly high.

The study suggested that the fastest rotating neutron star in the universe could rotate at 1,200 revolutions per second, but that is only theoretical and no neutron star has been observed with such a fast rotation rate. Since the rotational speed of the linear cannot exceed the speed of light, the theoretical fastest rotation of a neutron star 30km in diameter cannot exceed 3,180 revolutions per second.

Picture 2 of Discovered the fastest rotating planet in the universe, takes only 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution!
PSR J1748–2446ad is a star whose surface is not only solid, but harder than diamond. Its density is 50 trillion times greater than that of lead. Its magnetic field is trillions of times more intense than that of our Sun.

According to the report, PSR J1748−2446ad is about 18,000 light-years from Earth, the diameter of this star is only about 30km, but it has twice the mass of our Sun.

The mass of about two Suns is concentrated in a mass about 30km in diameter, which not only means that the matter density of PSR J1748−2446ad is extremely high, reaching 100 million tons per cubic centimeter, but also which means that its surface gravity is extremely large, this extremely gravitational environment makes its surface very flat. If there is a "mountain" on the neutron star, then this "mountain" or this bulge is less than a millimeter high.

Picture 3 of Discovered the fastest rotating planet in the universe, takes only 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution!
PSR J1748−2446ad is located in a globular cluster among stars known as Terzan 5, located approximately 18,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius. It is part of a binary system and experiences regular lunar eclipses with eclipse magnitudes around 40%.

The reason why objects with such high rotational speeds don't disintegrate is because those matter are bound together by a strong gravitational field. If the Earth had rotated so fast, it would have been split into four or five parts long ago.

Observations suggest that PSR J1748−2446ad is in a binary system, and its companion is likely a star much less massive than the Sun but with a radius 5-6 solar lanes. and is being slowly swallowed by this neutron star. If a massive star is swallowed up by a neutron star, and as the mass increases, gravity increases, the neutron star can continue to evolve into a black hole.

Picture 4 of Discovered the fastest rotating planet in the universe, takes only 0.0014 seconds to make one revolution!
Pulsed stars are neutron stars that rotate rapidly and emit intense radiation, while magnetic stars are remnants of stars with strong magnetic fields. All types of neutron stars form when high-mass stars end their lives and run out of fuel for nuclear fusion, whereby the original star can no longer fend off its own collapse. gravity. This resulted in a massive supernova explosion, leaving behind a cosmic remnant - a neutron star so dense that a teaspoon of its constituent matter would weigh about 3.9 trillion kilograms.

Pulsed stars were first discovered by Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish of the University of Cambridge in 1967 through radio wave radiation, and later X-ray and gamma-ray pulsars were discovered. For this success Antony Hewish was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1974. They obtained special radio waves, consisting of uniform oscillations with regular periods ranging from a few thousandths to a few seconds. The first hypothesis they put forward was that these waves came from extraterrestrial civilizations. Today, the scientific community is inclined to accept the hypothesis that explains the regularity of radio waves because it is emitted by a very small and rapidly rotating magnetized star. For a star to spin so quickly without being disintegrated by centrifugal force, it must be very dense, which is a characteristic property of neutron stars.

A pulsar is a distant neutron star that rotates rapidly and emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation at a certain distance, like a beam of light that is rotating and sweeping over a coastline. Although the first pulsar was discovered in 1967, scientists have long wondered why these stars can emit pulsations and why pulsars stop pulsating intermittently.