Discovering extremely rare black foxes in England

Mr. Paul Stevens, 67 years old in England could not believe his eyes when he saw the extremely rare black fox in nature.

Picture 1 of Discovering extremely rare black foxes in England
The black fox is extremely rare

Picture 2 of Discovering extremely rare black foxes in England
The furry black fox is unusual due to genetic mutation.

At first glance, people can confuse this black fox with a dog. However, this is an extremely rare fox species .

Stevens's wife, Lorraine, discovered the fox on a Saturday morning from their bedroom window.

"The fox seems very wary and cautious. I took a few pictures before it ran," said Stevens.

It is known that black fox is a rare fox in nature . Their unusual coat color is caused by a genetic mutation.

In the Middle Ages, people were very scared when they met the black fox because they thought it brought bad luck.