Discovering more than 250 rare and precious plants

Experts of the Royal Kew Biological Garden, London, England, have discovered more than 250 new species in just one year.

A total of 292 new species of plants and fungi were found in 2009 and about one-third of them are at risk of extinction, including South African yam with a large woody body, nearly 1 m tall. with the ground. Local people believe that this is a cure for cancer, so over the years these plants have been harvested 'mercilessly', making their 'population' more than 200. tree.

Picture 1 of Discovering more than 250 rare and precious plants

The Isoglossa variegata is discovered by scientists in the garden of Prince of Wales.

In addition, biologists found that the 42-meter tall tree with pea-like seeds, as well as the previous coffee tree, had never been recorded in any document. The smallest plant discovered in this year is a woody mushroom that is less than 1 mm thick, growing on decaying objects.

Dr. Aaron Davis, a biologist from Kew Garden, said the discovery of six new coffee tree species in the past year could ensure the future of the world coffee industry. 'Preserving species diversity carries a great significance, which means ensuring the daily drinking habits of people, especially when coffee plants are very vulnerable to climate change as it is now '.

Picture 2 of Discovering more than 250 rare and precious plants

The Berlinia korupensis species found in Cameroon has "relatives" with legumes.

According to Dr. Davis, besides the discovery of new species by accident, Kew garden biologists also use modern technology tools to 'hunt' plants, such as using Google Earth. to identify new territories.

Professor Stephen Hopper, director of the Royal Kew Biological Park, said: 'These new discoveries underscore the fact that there are many species of plants in the world that have not been' excavated 'and recorded. back ' .

Professor Hopper himself found the Isoetes tree, a group of waterfowl in the mountains of South Africa. Scientists have found fossils more than 150 million years old of this plant.