Discovering extremely rare butterflies

An extremely rare butterfly carrying both the male and female sexes has just been discovered in the United States. Its wings also have two distinct colors.

>>>Butterfly bisexual is born

According to Tech Times on January 10, the butterfly was discovered by Chris Johnson, a volunteer working at the butterfly exhibition center at Drexel University, Philadelphia, while participating in a project.

Picture 1 of Discovering extremely rare butterflies
Two-sex butterflies, two extremely rare "faces" have been discovered - (Photo: ANSP)

The butterfly with the right wing is brown with yellow and white spots - the characteristic of the female butterfly, and the darker left wing is darker with green, blue and purple spots - characteristic of the male butterfly.

A butterfly expert was later invited to inspect the strange butterfly. He identified it as a child Lexias pardalis , a member of a butterfly family commonly known as "hairy butterfly" , and is a "bisexual two-group individual".

It differs from bisexual individuals in the sexual organs and external characteristics of both sexes, while the bisexual individual also has two sex organs but carries the external characteristic of only one gender.

According to the scientists' explanation, an error that occurs in the process of chromosomal division at the early stage of development may be the cause of "bisexual bisexual two individuals" , and in 1 million butterflies. Only 1 child like that.

It is known that this butterfly is among the birds transported from a butterfly farm in Penang Island, Malaysia. It will be on display at the Drexel Institute of Natural Sciences from January 17 to February 16.