Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

A group of Japanese explorers asserted that they had discovered giant footprints believed to be traces of the legendary Snowman. These footprints were discovered in the Himalayas of Nepal and Tibet.

Picture 1 of Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

The footprint of a Yeti (left) is discovered on the mountain of Dhaulagiri northwest of Pokhara, Nepal.This giant trace is compared to the footprint of a normal person (right)

Yoshiteru Takahashi, the expedition leader of the Yeti Nepal project, was overjoyed when he and the other 7 members of the group discovered the legendary snowman's footprint. Mr. Takahashi said: 'Footprints are more than 20cm long and shaped like human footprints'.

This finding is the result of a 42-day effort by the team at the top of Dhaulagiri, which is over 7,660m high in the Himalayas. Takahashi added: 'I and my colleagues have been studying this mountain for years. We discovered a lot of footprints of different animals like bears, deer, wolves and snow leopard, but absolutely no footprints like this. We affirm that these are traces of an authentic Snowman, not a product of imagination '.

Yeti, commonly known as Snowman, is an ape-like creature that lives on the Himalayan peaks. Names like Yeti or Meh-The are widely used by locals as a long-term historical legend. Due to the lack of convincing evidence of Yeti's true viability, scientists see Yeti as a legend and one of the most mysterious topics.

Picture 2 of Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

Mr. Takashi believed that this 20cm longer footprint was for a Snowman, not for any other creature

Picture 3 of Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

Yoshiteru Takahashi explorer specializes in researching Yeti (Snowman) in Nepal

Picture 4 of Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

Footprints are found on a mountain peak in the Himalayas. The mountain range is also the place where people previously discovered traces of the Snowman.

Picture 5 of Discovering the footprints of the Snowman in Nepal

The image of a Yeti is said to live in the Himalayas in 2007.