Discovery of Discovery's

Only a few days left Space Shuttle Discovery will carry out its final mission. As the third space shuttle of the US Space Agency (NASA) was put into operation, Discovery is also the oldest ship still in use today since 1984.

Let's see how NASA created Discovery.

1. Front compartment

Picture 1 of Discovery of Discovery's

In this picture, Rockwell engineers are conducting a check to see if the top and bottom parts of the cabin are in line with Discovery. Photo taken on February 26, 1982.

2. The back part

Picture 2 of Discovery of Discovery's

Like other NASA shuttles, Discovery's back body consists of three main engines that will help bring it into space. This photo is an image of Discovery's main engine installed at the Rockwell, California factory on March 9, 1982.

Picture 3 of Discovery of Discovery's

This photo taken on April 6, 1982 shows Discovery's rear body where the main engine and the compartment of the OMS orbital control system are located.

3. Middle part

Picture 4 of Discovery of Discovery's

Discovery has a load compartment about 18 meters long, enough to accommodate a bus.

4. Installation of wings

Picture 5 of Discovery of Discovery's

May 1982 was the time to install wings for Discovery. In the photo taken on May 5, 1982, engineers were installing the left wing for Discovery.

5. Gradual formation

Picture 6 of Discovery of Discovery's

August 4, 1982, Discovery ship was formed. In this picture the entire lower part of the front, the wing as well as the middle part of the Discovery are all fully installed.

6. Connect the previous and the next sections

Picture 7 of Discovery of Discovery's

On September 10, 1982 engineers made the pairing of the cockpit section with the rear body of Discovery.

7. Black insulation sheet

Picture 8 of Discovery of Discovery's

To prevent Discovery from being destroyed by the atmosphere when returning to Earth, engineers designed a super-light insulation. At the bottom of the Discovery wing, thousands of black insulation panels are fitted with such high heat resistance.

8. Install the system

Picture 9 of Discovery of Discovery's

In April 1983, Discovery's control system was fully installed. In the photo taken on April 19, 1983, at a Boeing factory located in Palmdale, California, engineers are working to install the final equipment of the control system for Discovery.

9. Fly into space

Picture 10 of Discovery of Discovery's

On August 30, 1984, after years of preparation, the Discovery ship was first launched into a mission space with the number STS-41-D. Discovery's first six-day mission was to bring three satellites into space and test the new solar battery technology.

10. Upgrade

Picture 11 of Discovery of Discovery's

After 10 years ' service ', Discovery has been repaired and upgraded many times. The photo was taken from September 1995 to June 1996 when Discovery ship was fully examined.

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