Disgruntled people often have many initiatives

Picture 1 of Disgruntled people often have many initiatives In a surprising study, American psychologists discovered that dissatisfaction at work can become a driving force for workers to come up with new ideas.

'For decades, it seems that all companies in the world are interested in the level of job satisfaction of workers. However, we believe that dissatisfaction at work is not a bad thing , 'said Jing Zhou, an expert at Rice University.

To test this hypothesis, Zhou and colleagues interviewed 149 people at a oil exploration company. For direct workers, they ask questions about the working environment, company culture and the level of satisfaction with the job. The team also interviewed the company's management and monitoring team about workers with the most technical innovations.

The results were surprising: People who were dissatisfied with their work had the most innovations. 'This is really contrary to the expectations of most of us , ' Zhou commented.

Zhou thinks that people who are dissatisfied with the job always have 3 choices. They can often quit their jobs, still work regularly, but often talk to people about feeling dissatisfied or looking for new jobs. Of course, people who want to jump to another company or escape from work have no motivation to change the situation. However, often complaining individuals often spend a lot of time reflecting on how to improve job satisfaction. Zhou said that these are "creative warehouses" that managers should not ignore.

The research team points out that bosses often dislike listening to employees who are dissatisfied with their work, so many of their good ideas will be crushed. After analyzing the results of the survey, Zhou found that most of the discontent's initiative was promoted only with the help of listeners and sharing.

In another study, Professor Bruce Charlton of the University of Buckingham (UK) investigated the impact of the working environment on the level of creativity of scientists. He discovered that many people have new inventions during the period when they are dissatisfied with the job.