Dish from ... leaf tree

Traveling on a picnic is an increasingly popular and popular form of rest. Lying on the grass, breathing in the fresh air, making a light meal, then leaving and . leaving behind a pile of plastic dishes, disposable food containers.

As a result, people enjoy a refreshing time, but no harm to the environment from non-destructive plastics.

An American company called VerTerra has taken the initiative to devise ways to conscience the tourists without being bitten - replaced by plastic dishes, they produce food containers with two ingredients. is . water and leaves, are two materials that can be recovered.

Picture 1 of Dish from ... leaf tree The dishes look very solid, thanks to the technology to process the leaves with steam and then bring the press under high pressure. There is no hint of any chemical such as paint or polymer, so these containers are easily destroyed when left outdoors. The land returns to the land, while it is convenient and hygienic.

VerTerra's leaf dishes are made in South Asia, in factories with very reasonable wages, complying with legal regulations, and workers entitled to health insurance.

A set of 10-12 dishes, sold in a whole set, the price of a leafy plate or cup is less than a dollar.