Dogs often dream about home when sleeping

A new study published shows that dogs also dream when they sleep. This study even shows the content of their dreams.

Dr. Deirdre Barrett, currently working at Harvard Medical School's neurology department, says dogs, like people who dream about what they've been through the day.

Picture 1 of Dogs often dream about home when sleeping
Dogs also dream about things that go through during the day.

"Because dogs are often close to their owners, there is a high chance that they will dream about their faces, smells or about playing or disturbing their owners".

Cats also dream during sleep, but they often dream about catching mice.

The dream of sleep in humans is the phenomenon of rapid eye movement (REM) , which is when the human eye moves continuously even though the eyelids are still closed. According to Mrs. Barrett, cats and dogs have similar expressions.

"Cats are quite static in other stages of sleep, but during REM they often stand up, walk quietly, arch their backs or make a murky sound, like they are catching a mouse in the dream."

The human brain has a mechanism that helps to limit movement while we are dreaming. However, sometimes this mechanism is not effective, and we still act in the dream. For dogs, too, sometimes they look like they're running in a dream.

Picture 2 of Dogs often dream about home when sleeping
The time and time of a dog's dream depends on their size.

Human dreams are often influenced by what they spend during the day. According to Mrs. Barrett, children will have a beautiful dream if they spend a happy day and have enough sleep in a safe, comfortable place. The same is true for dogs.

Previous studies show that the time and time of a dog's dream depends on their size : small dogs dream more and dreams are shorter. For a normal sized dog, about 20 minutes after sleep you can see the REM stage. Adult dogs can sleep up to 12-14 hours / day.