Sleeping on the left side is harmful but not for health reasons

Change your sleeping position if you want beautiful dreams.

We may have heard that eating cheese before going to bed will help achieve lucid dream, but now researchers believe there is another factor that greatly influences the dream: sleeping posture . It is the posture we lie that may have affected the human mind.

Matt Berical on the news page Van Winkle took the time to learn the research to make the above conclusion. In 2004, 63 volunteers were asked to sleep on their left and right sides, then fill out a survey of sleep quality, nightmares, the fantasies of their dreams and feelings. next morning.

Picture 1 of Sleeping on the left side is harmful but not for health reasons
Sleeping on the left side has more nightmares.

Researchers found that the left-leaning volunteer group had more nightmares. The report said that 40.9% of them had nightmares, compared with only 14.6% of those sleeping on the right side who met this phenomenon. The right group has many dreams related to feelings of relief and safety, but their sleep quality is not high.

This study still has some limitations because the number of testers is small and most are self-reported but it still shows the difference of the dream depending on how we lie.

"Our preliminary observations show that dreams and sleep quality are related to the function of the brain and the body's posture that affects this . Future studies also need to be demonstrated. How are people able to control their dreams change their dream process by deliberately changing their sleeping posture, ' the researchers concluded.

In 2012, researchers from Hong Shue Yan University in Hong Kong conducted a similar study. They track the sleeping habits and positions of 670 adults and find that those who sleep face down will achieve the most vivid dreams: UFOs, adultery, locked up, unable to breathe, or to be concerned. Sex with celebrities.

"The personality problem does not affect this much by sleeping position." Calvin Kai-Ching Yu researcher concluded. He thought that sleeping posture had an effect on dreaming . In addition, there is much evidence that slant sleep makes dreams more vivid.

There is no convincing evidence at this time. But if anyone wants to try this, sleep face down or lie on your left side.