Not having a good sleep? Try to see if there is 1 in 5 reasons!

There are many causes that can interfere with your sleep. Try to see if you have them.

Did you know that sleep plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy health and spirit. However, today, many people experience sleep related problems.

We do not sleep well, or lose sleep constantly. So what is the cause of this?

1. Do not sleep time fixed

Maintaining a fixed sleeping time - which means going to bed and waking up at certain hours is an extremely important factor to improve your sleep quality. Even experts say it is more important than getting 7 hours of sleep every day.

Picture 1 of Not having a good sleep?  Try to see if there is 1 in 5 reasons!
If you often do not sleep at the right time, the brain will be difficult to determine the amount of time you need to sleep and wake up.

The reason is that our brains need a consistency to work well. By agreeing on a sleep schedule, you will help keep your circadian rhythm stable.

Your brain will now regularly produce melatonin that causes drowsiness at the right time when you need to go to sleep, and this will help you sleep a lot better.

If you don't sleep at the right time, your brain will be hard to determine when you need to go to bed and wake up. This will easily lead to sleep disturbances, but it is likely that many of us will also experience their consequences.

2. Drink coffee, soft drinks or alcohol before sleeping

Perhaps everyone knows that caffeine is in coffee and some soft drinks stimulate our alertness and are not friendly with sleep.

Research has shown that caffeine works for about 8 hours. So if you want to go to bed at 11pm, don't drink coffee after 3pm.

According to sleep researcher Micheal Breaus, even if you can still sleep easily after drinking coffee, it still affects brain waves, making it difficult to sleep deeply and thereby affecting sleep quality. yours.

You should also avoid drinking too many alcoholic drinks before bedtime. The reason is that alcoholic drinks can help you fall asleep, but at the same time also prevent the brain from sleeping deeply. And for those who don't know, this is the period when neurons are rested, rehydrated and growth hormones begin to secrete.

3. Exposure to light

Our circadian rhythms are set automatically by exposure to light. When the Sun goes down, our brain will produce melatonin, which makes it easier to sleep, and when the sun rises, this hormone disappears so that we are more alert.

But now, we must not only be exposed to the Sun, but also artificial electric lights at all times of the day. They interfere with melatonin production and affect sleep.

Experts recommend that if you want a good night's sleep, try to avoid using electronic devices - including phones, tablets, laptops, TVs . at least an hour before going to bed.

4. Gym too late

Picture 2 of Not having a good sleep?  Try to see if there is 1 in 5 reasons!
Exercising too close to bedtime will increase your body temperature, forcing your body to take time to cool down before going to sleep.

Body temperature is also an important factor affecting our sleep.

Usually, according to the theory, your body temperature is 37 degrees C. But in fact, this temperature fluctuates at different times of the day. When we sleep, our body temperature will go down, and it will increase again during the day.

Exercising too close to bedtime will increase your body temperature, forcing your body to take time to cool down before going to sleep. The reason is understandable, because one of the signals to release melatonin is low body temperature.

So, the advice is to try to maintain an early exercise routine, so you have enough time to bathe and cool your body before bedtime.

5. Suffering from sleep disorder

In the US alone, there are about 50 to 70 million people suffering from sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, chronic insomnia, . and many other cases that are not diagnosed. And if calculated worldwide, that would be a very large number, because the US population is about 300 million.

These disorders need specific treatment, to bring the circadian rhythm back to its normal state and allow the body to have a good sleep.