The formula to help you sleep at any time can wake up awake the next day

You will know exactly when to go to bed if you want to ensure the highest performance the next day.

Have you ever been determined to go to bed early to prepare for an effective working day but still feel very tired the next morning? But the strange thing is that sometimes you go to bed at 3 am and wake up at 7 o'clock but your mind is still very alert.

The following scientific research will show you why sleep is still awake during a lot of sleep and tiredness and the formula helps you have a good night's sleep at any time.

How long does the body need sleep?

Picture 1 of The formula to help you sleep at any time can wake up awake the next day
Sleep consists of many cycles, each cycle lasting 90 minutes.

Sleep consists of many cycles, each cycle lasting 90 minutes. During that time we went through 5 stages. It will take an average of 14 minutes to start falling into phase 1 - dreaming and moving to stage 5 when we dream most.

Stage 4 is when we fall into a deep sleep state and this is the hardest time to wake up. If we wake up at stage 4, we will be extremely tired and have a headache when we try to wake up.

When we sleep through these 5 stages, the cycle will return to stage 1 and we continue one cycle. So when we go to sleep early, it is very likely that we will have to wake up to stage 4.

This also explains why early sleep is not a condition for us to have a sense of alertness, more important than having to wake up at the right time.

Which time is appropriate to wake up?

Ideal sleep is enough time to sleep and wake up at the turn of time between 2 cycles. Since then we can wake up at the end of stage 5 or early stage 1 to have the most refreshing spirit.

Research by a company that specializes in visually impaired Web-blinds provides you with a calculation formula for you to have a good night's sleep. In other words, you absolutely can know exactly when to go to bed at the time of starting work.

Picture 2 of The formula to help you sleep at any time can wake up awake the next day
You can know exactly when to go to bed at the time of starting work.

The simple recipe for a good sleep is:

Sleep start time + 90 'x "n" + 14' = Wake up time.

In which: n has a value between 3 and 6, then your sleep will be most comfortable.

Understand a simple way: you can sleep exactly 9 hours 14 ', 7 hours 44', 6 hours 14 'or 4 hours 44' will give you a sense of alert the next morning.

Accordingly, if you want to wake up at 6am, you should go to bed at 20h46 'or 22h16', 23h46 'or even 1h16' also completely feasible. Or if you want to wake up at 7am, you need to go to bed at 9:46, 23h16 ', 00h46' or 2h16 '.

Applying this method ensures you will have a good night sleep to dispel any fatigue even if you stay up late.