12 reasons to eat chives

Chives are rich in fiber, promote good digestion, help eliminate the risk of constipation. In addition, this vegetable contains a lot of healthy nutrients.

1. Support weight loss

Chives are very low in calories but have many beneficial nutrients. 100 g of fresh chives contains only 30 calories but contains many antioxidants, contains fiber, vitamins, calcium and minerals that are essential for many parts of the body.

2. Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

Like garlic, chives contain allicin. Allicin works to lower blood pressure and prevent the production of cholesterol in the body. Moreover, they also have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, eradicating bacteria and fungi in the intestinal tract, ensuring the digestive system works well.

3. Prevent constipation

Chives rich in fiber should help digest effectively. Eating plenty of chives will provide a great deal of fiber for the intestines and colon, eliminating the risk of constipation.

Picture 1 of 12 reasons to eat chives
Chives can be cooked into many "delicious, good, cheap" dishes.(Photo: News)

4. Helps prevent cancer

Chives are a source of flavonoids and natural sulfur can prevent some types of cancer effectively. These substances help fight free radicals and prevent them from growing. Therefore, eating chives may prevent colon, breast, prostate, lung and stomach cancer.

5. Skin problems

Because chives have anti-microbial and fungal properties, they are good for the skin and improve skin infections. Chives can replace creams that treat scales and heal open wounds. Thanks to this feature, chives can kill bacteria, fungi, help wounds heal.

6. Helps strong bones

Chives contain lots of vitamin K - a vitamin responsible for your bone health. Bone demineralization is significantly prevented by frequent chives. Especially women are more prone to osteoporosis than men, so eating chives often helps increase bone density.

7. Prevent unpleasant problems during pregnancy

Fresh chives contain lots of folate (folic acid is an amino acid that plays an important role in cell division). Pregnant women who consume an adequate amount of folic acid will significantly prevent birth defects in the neural tube in newborns.

8. Rich in nutrition

Chives contain lots of B vitamins and important minerals like copper, pyridoxine, iron, niacin, mandan, thiamin, calcium, riboflavin . These nutrients work to support functional organs in the body. good.

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Chives contain many healthy nutrients.(Photo: News)

9. Prevent blood clotting

Chives flavonoid helps to balance blood pressure, especially helps to reduce high blood pressure. Chives are rich in vitamin C, which enhances the elasticity of blood capillaries and promotes the absorption of iron in the body. Eating chives regularly will prevent blood clots.

10. Helps prevent acne

The appearance of beta-carotene in chives works to lighten the skin and prevent acne. Eating chives regularly helps bright skin.

11. Great solution for dry skin

If you suffer from dry skin, fresh chives are the measure for you. Grind the chives, then apply to the face, leave to dry for 30 minutes then wash your face again. Regularly, you will notice a marked change in the skin.

12. Healthy hair

Black hair is also significantly improved thanks to chives. Chives help strengthen hair follicles and increase blood flow from the root to the ends. Therefore, chives are used in some hair care products because they prevent hair loss and help hair grow faster.