Attendance 8 common reasons that make you dizzy

British Academy neurologist David Hirst summarized the eight common reasons for the dizziness that you should pay attention to.

1. Due to side effects of drugs

ACE inhibitors and ACE inhibitors and antidepressants such as amitriptyline will lower blood pressure, causing dizziness. British expert Natasha Stewart said that some cardiovascular patients take diuretics when dehydration will create a feeling of dizziness. Sedation inhibits the CNS, thereby slowing down brain activity, but at the same time is also a factor causing dizziness.

Picture 1 of Attendance 8 common reasons that make you dizzy
Side effects may cause dizziness (Artwork)

2. Iron deficiency

Fatigue is the main symptom of anemia. The reason is that the lack of iron in the body reduces red blood cells, reduces the amount of oxygen, and low blood oxygen levels lead to dizziness.

3. Migraine

Professor Susan Hayden of the UK Migraine Association said dizziness is often the precursor to migraine, which is caused by narrowing of blood vessels, reducing blood flow.

4. Effect of whole body MRI scan

MRI scans can also cause dizziness. Body balance is controlled by the inner ear, scanning from resonant images will create a strong magnetic field that can cause organ imbalance, balance the inner ear, leading to dizziness.

5. Dehydration

The brain is the organ that contains the most water in the body. When the body is dehydrated, the brain begins to malfunction. University of Connecticut Professor Lawrence Armstrong said dehydration reduced blood viscosity, increased fever, and tachycardia. So when you feel dizzy, you can try drinking a large glass of water.

Picture 2 of Attendance 8 common reasons that make you dizzy
Dehydration can cause dizziness (Artwork)

6. Blood pressure and oxygen deficiency problem

The sudden decline of blood pressure, reducing the amount of oxygen in the body is one of many causes of dizziness. For example, if you are sitting and standing up suddenly and you feel dizzy, then low blood pressure is a problem you need to think about.

7. Swimming

During swimming, water easily spills inside the ear, which can affect the inner ear balance, which in turn leads to an imbalance like when taking magnetic resonance imaging. Experts point out that mental stress before and after swimming can cause the brain to reduce oxygen and easily cause dizziness later.

8. Allergies

Surprisingly, peanuts, cats, dust and pollen and other allergens can also cause dizziness. Dr. Adrian Morris, Surrey's allergy clinic specialist, said allergies can cause sinusitis and middle ears to secrete mucus, affecting balance parts of the inner ear, causing dizziness.