An unusually high temperature and humidity of the air entails the risk of heat exhaustion, even sunstroke, affecting a child's health.
Eating too much sugary food will promote the formation of uric acid, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, directly affecting kidney function.
Folk has long known how to use corn stubble in combination with threads, sugarcane or pineapple leaves to cook warm water in hot days.
If the ear is found with acne, it is a sign that your body is in big trouble.
When the liver cannot handle excess alcohol in your body, you will vomit, which is the body's way of eliminating alcohol.
Every creature that lives on Earth that we know the head needs water to survive. That's why we are always in need of water every day. If you don't drink water for a long time,
That may be a sign that your body needs water immediately.
Headaches with high fever may be a sign of meningitis.
But there are some very common misconceptions that still exist in a persistent way. Here are 4 misunderstandings synthesized by Lifehacker technology page.
According to the researchers, temperatures rise to 35 degrees Celsius and high humidity has begun to threaten human health.