16 common foods are not good for the kidneys

Eating too much sugary food will promote the formation of uric acid, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, directly affecting kidney function.

According to Thehealthsite, the kidneys filter all the blood in the body every 30 minutes , but the organism's filtering capacity tends to decrease as your age increases. When you reach the age of 30, your kidney function will decrease by 10% every decade. That's why you should reduce your kidney pressure before it's too late. Here are 16 things you consume every day that increase your risk of kidney disease.

1. Road

Sugar filled with fructose, excessive sugar consumption promotes the formation of uric acid, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. These diseases directly affect kidney function as well as cardiovascular health.

Picture 1 of 16 common foods are not good for the kidneys
Photo: Thehealthsite.

2. Carbonated soft drinks

If you are gradually forming the habit of consuming at least two cans of soft drinks every day, you are at risk for proteinuria (too much protein in your urine) . In this case, protein excretion increases in the urine, meaning that the kidney has been damaged.

3. Food color

Are you in the habit of adding color products to dishes to make them look more attractive? If so, stop the habit of using color from now on.Common food colors are now harmful and slow the development of kidneys.

4. High protein foods

High-protein diets increase the burden on the kidneys because they have to increase their work to excrete a large amount of urea from the body. This prolonged condition will lead to kidney damage. In addition, if the body is suffering from ketoacidosis (excessive ketoneemia), it also leads to an increase in calcium excretion, which causes kidney stones.

Picture 2 of 16 common foods are not good for the kidneys

5. Salt

Salt contains lots of sodium, which increases your blood pressure. Kidneys play an important role in regulating blood pressure. Studies have shown that absorption of high levels of salt affects kidney function and is a leading cause of kidney failure.

6. Pain medicine

If you are in the habit of taking pain medicine every time you have a mild pain, fever or cold, then you are harming the body rather than helping it.Using long-term painkillers or high doses can damage kidney tissues, reduce blood flow to this organ, leading to damage or kidney failure.

7. Snacks

You should avoid junk food because the kidneys must filter harmful toxins from the blood, eating lots of junk food will directly affect kidney function.

8. Alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcohol, especially in alcohol, can easily lead to uric acid deposition in the renal tubules . Thereby causing renal tubular obstruction, increasing the risk of kidney failure and kidney diseases. In addition, the electrolyte balance and hormones that affect your kidney function are also disturbed by excessive consumption of alcohol.

Picture 3 of 16 common foods are not good for the kidneys

9. Dehydration

Hot and humid summer days can increase the risk of kidney stones. Due to high temperatures lead to dehydration, increased levels of calcium in the body, leading to kidney stones. So maintain the amount of water needed for your body this season.

10. Meat

You will be 3 times more likely to develop kidney failure due to a high-meat diet (also known as a high-acid diet). Therefore, limit the consumption of meats and instead increase fruits and vegetables to protect your kidneys.

11. Sauce

Sauce is an indispensable ingredient when preparing pasta, pizza and pho. However, they are full of sodium, which causes high blood pressure and also leads to the risk of kidney disease. So replace the sauce with a variety of vegetables and spices to get many health benefits.

12. High potassium content vegetables and fruits: potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, butter

This fruit also contains a very high amount of potassium, so if you eat too much, it will increase your kidney burden. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, it is best to avoid these fruits. In case your kidneys are healthy, you should not eat too much.

Picture 4 of 16 common foods are not good for the kidneys

13. Skin lightening product

Most skin lightening products contain hydroquinone or mercury. These are the two main chemicals that lead to kidney failure and mercury poisoning due to the gradual accumulation of metals in skin cells.

14. Organ organs

In the internal organs of any animal, they have high purine content. If you eat a lot of animal organs, the kidneys will have difficulty in clearing all waste, protein, purine . This can cause gout, kidney stones and in the long run will lead to kidney failure. .

15. Milk

People with kidney disease need to reduce their consumption of milk and dairy products (including yogurt, cheese, butter .). These products often have a lot of phosphorus, too much phosphorus in the body can cause kidney failure, heart attack and bone-related diseases.

16. Take vitamin C supplements

According to a study conducted by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, consumption of vitamin C supplements daily doubled the risk of kidney stones in men. The reason is that a portion of vitamin C absorbed by the body is excreted in urine sugar as oxalate, one of the main components of kidney stones .