What is the function of the kidneys? Characteristics and structure of kidneys

Kidneys are known as dialysis in the body but actually the function of the kidneys is much more than that. Let us learn the following article to understand the importance of kidneys for our bodies!

Characteristics of kidneys

The kidney is an organ in the urinary system, the main secretion of the urinary system in the body. The position of the kidney is close to the posterior wall of the abdomen, on both sides of the spine near the main lumbar muscle. Both sides of the kidney are horizontal horizontal chest (T12) to burn L3 lumbar in rib cage. The right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney about 1 vertebra.

The kidney is shaped like a light brown bean, the front is smooth and the back is rough, has a convex shore, a concave shore. Each kidney is about 10 - 12.5 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, 3–4 cm thick and weighs about 170 g.

Picture 1 of What is the function of the kidneys?  Characteristics and structure of kidneys
The kidney is an organ in the urinary system, the main secretion of the urinary system in the body.

The structure and function of the kidneys

The structure of the kidney includes: in the center of the inner curve is the umbilical cord, there are ureters, nerves and blood vessels; the outer region is a dark red shell due to the many capillaries, about 7-10mm thick; The next part is the medulla and renal pelvis containing fat tissue, blood vessels and nerves.

Each human kidney is made up of 1.2 million kidney units (nephron). This is both a structural unit and a functional unit of the kidney. Each unit of kidney function includes glomerular and renal tubules.

The structure of the kidneys in the body

The glomerulus includes Malpighi bridge and Bowman capsule. Bowman is a bag that covers the bridge, the capsule has many small holes. The Malpighi Bridge has a spherical mass formed from about 50 parallel capillaries. Separating between cysts and capillaries is a thin membrane, which filters substances from capillaries to follicles.

Picture 2 of What is the function of the kidneys?  Characteristics and structure of kidneys
Each human kidney is made up of 1.2 million kidney units (nephron).

The renal tubules include distal tubule, proximal tubule and Henle loop. Filter from the capsule into the proximal tubule, then go to the Henle loop. At the top of the Henle loop with the distal tubule, from the distal tubule, the filtrate is poured into the manifold. The collecting tubule does not belong to the kidney unit, it functions to receive the filtrate from some nephrons to fill the renal pelvis.

Function of kidney

The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood and waste. The kidneys filter waste products only between proteins and blood cells. The waste is released, into the filtrate to form urine.

Function of regulating blood volume: The kidney has an important role in controlling the volume of extracellular fluid in the body by producing urine. When we drink a lot of water, the amount of urine will increase and vice versa.

The kidneys help dissolve blood soluble substances, the pH of extracellular fluid and the synthesis of cheek cells: the kidney helps regulate the concentration of ions in the blood. In addition, through the synthesis of vitamin D to help control the amount of calcium icon in the blood.

The meaning and role of kidneys

Based on the content of kidney structure and function above, it is possible to see that kidney has a very important role and meaning to life, eliminating residues and toxins from the human body. . If the kidney is healthy, it will help people excrete a lot of waste from the body and vice versa, if the kidney does not do its job well, the scum will not eradicate but leave the body.

The residue will build up right in the kidneys causing congestion and weakening the kidneys. Since then, there have been many influences on other organs in the body such as bladder, urethra, prostate, . and affect appearance such as skin discoloration, hair loss, bad breath, .

Good foods for your kidneys are always healthy

  1. Red bell pepper : Red bell pepper is a kidney-friendly vegetable because of its low potassium content. High potassium levels in the blood can make it difficult for the kidneys to clear, leading to chronic kidney disease. Red bell pepper contains powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, A and B6 and other nutrients such as folic acid and fiber that are good for overall health.

Picture 3 of What is the function of the kidneys?  Characteristics and structure of kidneys
Red bell pepper is a kidney-friendly vegetable because of its low potassium content.

  1. Cabbage : Non-potassium cabbage is good for your liver and kidneys. This cruciferous vegetable is rich in phytochemicals that fight against free radicals such as cancer. Cabbage also contains essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins B6, K and C and folic acid. This makes cabbage a reasonable supplement for a kidney-friendly diet.
  2. Garlic : Garlic is good for kidney health due to its excellent diuretic properties. Diuretics assist in removing excess sodium and water from the body by forcing the kidneys to excrete sodium through urination. Garlic can also protect the kidneys from the harmful effects of heavy metals such as lead. This spice also has the ability to reduce inflammation, fight infection, cleanse the body, lower cholesterol and act as a natural antibiotic.
  3. Cauliflower : Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable as a great supplement for your kidney-friendly diet. Cauliflower is rich in folic acid and fiber helps cleanse the kidneys as well as improve health. This is a good low-potassium vegetable for people with chronic kidney disease.

Picture 4 of What is the function of the kidneys?  Characteristics and structure of kidneys
Asparagus works to clean the kidneys.

  1. Asparagus : Asparagus works to clean the kidneys. It also prevents kidney stones and supports kidneys to perform normal functions. In addition, asparagus is also a great source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.
  2. Kale is a beneficial vegetable for the kidneys because it is considered a low-potassium food. According to the National Kidney Foundation, kale contains lots of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and other important minerals that support kidney function.
  3. Peas and green beans : Both types of green vegetables are low in potassium and an excellent source of fiber. The fiber needed to keep your blood sugar steady, important for preventing excessive weight gain and diabetes, are the leading causes of kidney disease.