Create mini kidneys from stem cells

American scientists at the Salk Institute for Physiological Research in California state have created a kidney cell structure with 3-dimensional (3D) space that they call mini kidneys in the study as a step forward in the direction of research. New treatment for kidney disease.

Picture 1 of Create mini kidneys from stem cells
Urology, the initial structure of the human kidney.(Photo: SALK)

According to Nature Cell Biology, the scientists used mouse embryonic stem cells to induce human stem cells to become urinary state - the initial form of human kidneys.

The researchers said they used both embryonic stem cells and artificial multipurpose stem cells (iPSC) - stem cells derived from reprogrammed skin to become versatile. The versatility of the cell structure is created to be able to differentiate into mesoderm - a layer of germ to develop the kidney structure.

The team also tested this method on iPSC of polycystic kidney patients and found that cells taken from patients could form 3D kidney structures. They hope that the 3D kidney structure can help follow-up tests to find new ways to treat polycystic kidney disease and other kidney diseases.