Create stem cells according to orders

US scientists use a new cloning technique to create customized stem cells, opening up the prospect of specific treatment.

>>>Blindness with human embryonic stem cells

These newly created stem cells contain too much genetic material, so they don't work properly. They include the DNA of two people, not just the patient.

Scientists are looking to use these customized stem cells to develop tissue that has DNA that is suitable for transplantation to cure many diseases.

Picture 1 of Create stem cells according to orders
Scientists can use stem cells to clone animals. (Photo: Esapizenka)

They injected the DNA from a volunteer's skin cells into the donor's egg. With conventional cloning techniques, genetic material of eggs is removed first.

But according to the new method of researcher Dieter Egli and colleagues at the New York Stem Cell Foundation, donor DNA is kept in the egg and then the genetic material of the volunteer is added.

This means that there will be 69 chromosomes, more than normal 23.

Researchers do not dare to try cloning to create humans in this way. They just want to produce stem cells.

Egli said the team is trying to overcome the technical barrier of having too much DNA in stem cells. This new method of stem cells can turn a person's cells into stem cells that work well on other people. This feature has been proven to animals.