Successful development of pork from stem cells

In the future, humans can eat meat but do not need to kill animals thanks to the technique of creating meat from stem cells.

The study has just been published in Scientific Reports.

"We studied how to create pork from newly produced stem cells, instead of using primary cells directly from pigs," said Dr. Nicholas Genovese, a member of the research team.

To produce meat from stem cells , scientists must explore the biological mechanism of pigs and the conditions that support cell growth and differentiation.

Picture 1 of Successful development of pork from stem cells
People can eat meat without slaughtering animals in the future - (Photo: Taniact).

After several failed experiments, Genovese's group finally found a way for stem cells to survive and self-transform into skeletal muscle. This is also the main ingredient that makes up a pig.

The biggest success of this study is to develop skeletal muscle from a stem cell line instead of a pig. In addition, scientists do not need to use animal serum as the way livestock facilities often do.

Genovese is currently the co-founder of Memphis Meats, a start-up company that produces meat from laboratories.

"I always wanted to find ways to produce better meat. Human food demand is increasing, plus the continuous environment is devastated, food safety issues, epidemics require. ask us to have a new, more advanced solution, " he affirmed.

It is expected that Memphis Meats meat products will be available in the next few years.