The method to protect the kidneys is healthy

The kidneys must fight a lot of toxins during dialysis from day to day and are quite sensitive to diseases.

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The kidney is a medium-sized pea-shaped organ with a fist. Located under the chest on both sides of the spine, they are related to some of the most important functions of the body. Kidneys play an important role in eliminating toxins from the body. Not everything the body consumes is necessary. The task of the kidneys is to filter toxins, urea and excess salt.

Urine production is an important function of the kidney. With this function, the kidney regulates and balances the amount of water in the body. Besides these two important functions, kidneys also play an important role in regulating blood pressure, red blood cells and acid in the body.

To take good care of this dialysis apparatus, you should pay attention to the following:

Do exercise

Exercise always plays an important role. With any body part, the key to helping them to function well is to exercise. So turn exercise into your regular routine.

Picture 1 of The method to protect the kidneys is healthy


Regular checkups after age 30 help monitor the health of the body. Consult your doctor and perform yearly tests to see how your kidneys are working. This is even very important if you have a family history of kidney disease.

Diet control

There are many types of food on the market but you need a wise choice. Try to choose clean, processed foods without artificial flavorings. Try to stay away from prepared packaged foods.

Control blood pressure

Because the kidneys are involved in regulating blood pressure, blood pressure control is necessary. High blood pressure can lead to kidney damage.

Control blood sugar

Diabetes and kidney health are closely related. High-diabetic patients often have kidney problems. Maintaining healthy blood sugar is one of the ways to maintain kidney health.

Drink a lot of water

Drinking enough water ensures your kidneys function properly. Drinking too little water causes the kidneys to undergo unnecessary stresses leading to health problems.

Give up smoking

Smoking slows blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause adverse effects to the body's activity. Quitting smoking will allow blood to flow to the kidneys and thus make other parts of the body work better

Do not use non-prescription drugs

You are not a doctor or a salesperson at pharmacies. If you must take medication, first consult your doctor. You cannot know which drugs can cause any effects.

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