This strangely colored water is good for the heart and brain, effective in controlling blood sugar and anti-aging.

In Vietnam, dragon fruit is a cheap fruit, but around the world this fruit is considered a 'super fruit', sought after because it brings many health benefits.

Since the first day of discovery, the use of this hormone in treating diabetes has undergone many changes.

Oats contain lots of vitamin E, B6, B5 and minerals like iron, selenium, magnesium and copper. This is one of the most nutritious and high-fiber cereals.

According to Futurism, by 2050, as expected, in the US alone, about 5 million people will be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Summer is a time of unhealthy health for people with diabetes. Therefore, in the summer, people with diabetes need to remember the following.

As a popular daily dish, banana flowers also have many health benefits such as treating diabetes, fighting infections, treating digestive disorders.

Honey is a food that has many great uses for human health and beauty. Here are the main effects of honey on humans. You will be regardless of the benefits that it can bring.

Instead of using pain-inducing blood glucose meters, doctors or patients themselves were able to test their own blood sugar with a special device that uses microwaves or

Thanks to the Bluetooth application, this electronic device can be connected to a special smartphone (smartphone) in the pocket.