Habits can cause kidney damage

You can live normally with kidneys remaining only 20% functional. That explains why the gradual deterioration and gradual damage of the kidneys may not be recognized for a long time.

Sometimes some common habits can cause kidney damage. When the problem is discovered it may be too late.

Kidneys perform many functions such as hormone production, dialysis, mineral absorption, urine production and maintaining healthy acid-alkaline balance. Therefore, humans cannot live without kidneys.

If you want your kidneys to grow well, you should eliminate the following harmful habits:

1. Drink soda with sugar

Drinking soft drinks is one of the main habits harmful to the kidneys. One study showed that people who drank more than 2 cups of soda daily had a higher risk of kidney disease. Protein will get into your urine in case of kidney damage. Protein in urine (proteinuria) is an early sign of kidney damage. When detected at an early stage, the disease can still be cured.

2. Lack of vitamin B6

This is also one of the reasons for kidney damage. A healthy diet is important for good kidney function. According to one study, lack of vitamin B6 increases the risk of kidney stones. For optimal kidney function, you should take at least 1,3miligram of vitamin B6 daily. Foods rich in this vitamin include fish, green beans, beef liver, potatoes and starchy vegetables.

3. Sedentary

Picture 1 of Habits can cause kidney damage
Photo: ello.org

Exercise is a good way to protect your kidneys. One study showed that those who worked hard reduced their risk of kidney stones by 31%. Maintaining a moderate weight will also reduce the risk of kidney stones. Not practicing is a habit of damaging this dialysis machine.

4. Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can cause kidney problems. If you do not absorb enough magnesium, calcium cannot be absorbed and properly digested. This can lead to excess calcium and stone formation. To prevent this, you need to have enough magnesium in your diet, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and avocados.

5. Lack of sleep

Unreasonable sleep also contributes to kidney damage. Good sleep is important for this organ. One study showed that prolonged sleep disruption could cause kidney disease. Kidney tissue is regenerated during the night, so sleep disruption can directly damage it. You need to sleep at least 8 hours per night.

6. Do not drink enough water

You need to drink enough water to maintain kidney function. If not taken enough, toxins can begin to accumulate in the blood. Drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day is good for the kidneys. A simple way to see if you drink enough water is to check your urine color. If you don't drink enough water, urine will be dark yellow.

7. Urinate

When the body needs you should meet. Retaining urine in the bladder is not good. If so, this will increase urine pressure on the kidneys and lead to kidney failure.

8. Use too much salt

This is one of the causes of kidney failure. Salt is very important to the body but you should limit its absorption. Using too much salt can raise blood pressure and increase pressure on the kidneys. You should not eat more than 5.8 g of salt per day.

9. Use too much caffeine

You often use more caffeine than you think. Caffeine is found in many soft drinks and soda, energy drinks and coffee. Blood pressure will increase due to excess caffeine and your kidneys are at risk. So use caffeine confined.

10. Abuse of painkillers

Sometimes you take the medicine too often and in too large doses. When the pain appears, it can be easily overcome by taking the medicine. But you should be careful because all medicines have side effects and many drugs cause damage to the kidneys.

11. Inadequate medication

High blood pressure and diabetes are two common diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles and diets. If you have these diseases, you may have kidney damage slowly. However, if you take adequate medication, the damage will be prevented. Protect your essential agency by taking prescription medication.

12. Eat too much protein (protein)

Picture 2 of Habits can cause kidney damage
Photo: Sheknows

According to one study, using too much protein in the diet can harm the kidneys. The byproduct of protein digestion is ammonia. It is a poison that the kidneys need to neutralize. Many proteins mean that the kidneys have to work harder, which can lead to impaired kidney function.

13. Do not treat common infections quickly and appropriately

Sometimes you have a cold. You force your body to work and not rest properly. This may cause damage to the kidneys. Studies show that people who don't rest and proper treatment often end up with kidney disease.

14. Drink too much alcohol

The toxins in alcohol not only damage the liver but also damage the kidneys. This will increase the pressure on it and slowly damage the kidney. One way to avoid this disease is to drink alcohol moderately.

15. Smoking

Smoking is associated with atherosclerosis. The narrowing and hardening of blood vessels affects the blood supply to essential organs including the kidneys. According to the study, smoking 2 cigarettes a day can double the number of endothelial cells in the blood. This is a sign of artery damage.