Stand on your toes 3 minutes a day to improve health

Just do this tiptoe for 3 minutes a day, both good for the kidneys, good for blood, and good for the heart. If you persevere to do so for a continuous month, your body will not only be healthier, but edema may also disappear! The "tiptoe" action is done in two steps "lifting your heel up" , then slowly "lowering your heel".

Raise your heel, until your muscles are stretched, lower your foot, so that your muscles are relaxed. Doing so often will help your muscles get trained and gradually become supple. It also helps the legs become more beautiful.

This process will help increase blood circulation, so also affect blood flow through the heart, the phenomenon of hypertension is also regulated. In addition, it also works to regulate the distribution and operation of body fluids, reduce fat, eliminate edema and varicose veins. Through persistent practice of tiptoe can achieve the effect of healing and nursing the body.

The introduction above is based on the synthesis of modern medicine. From a traditional medicine perspective, this tiptoe movement has a long history.

Picture 1 of Stand on your toes 3 minutes a day to improve health
Raise your heel, until your muscles are stretched, lower your foot, so that your muscles are relaxed.

An ancient book on Chinese medicine that records an important method of nourishment, which is "Guide to nursing" , in modern language is called "Healthy Movement" . In the book, there is a written "Duoc dien thui hung hung". The "pursuit" is to refer to this tiptoe. And the "middle-class favor" is said to be good for "inner" or "mental state" , which protects the health of the heart, liver, and lungs. Modern medicine is also aware of that. On the other hand, it can help balance mental state, relieve fatigue and pressure, and prevent and treat body health as well.

At work, we can also actively do this exercise.The tiptoe action for office workers helps to nourish the body, prevent diseases caused by sitting a lot , maintain body shape, help strengthen the mind, balance the mind.

When exercising, you need to lift your heel and keep it for a while. Lift up and let go must be gentle, not too fast and use too much force.

Perform movements

Preparing posture: The legs are parallel, the feet facing the front slightly outward, the knees are loose, slightly slack, the whole body is naturally relaxed, the feet touch the ground.

The two heels simultaneously lifted off the ground, hands lightly placed behind the waist, the person straight, the chest slightly protruding, the belly tightening, and inhaling the air. The back muscles loosen, the heel gently drops: Lower, but also does not completely place the entire foot on the ground, and exhale. Repeat it seven times. Returning to the reserve position, when the heel is placed on the ground, it is necessary to control the weak strength and speed. When put down, it is necessary to be gentle, thus reducing the pressure on the spine, like an ancient method of nourishment called "French marrow". This whole exercise can be repeated one to three times.

Looking at the movements is simple but unexpectedly effective. Perseverance to perform every day is not an easy task, but if the implementation period will nursing and help stabilize the blood yin and yang, kidney and paralysis, bring great effect.