8 habits that help the digestive system stay healthy

Improving the health of your digestive system will improve your overall health and feel energetic. Please refer to the good habits for the digestive system below.

1. Eat more fiber

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According to nutrition experts, a diet high in fiber and whole grains, green vegetables, fruits can protect your digestive system. A high-fiber diet helps you stay away from constipation and prevents or supports treatment of other gastrointestinal conditions such as hemorrhoids.

2. Eat healthy fats

In general, high-fat foods tend to slow down the digestive process, making you more likely to become constipated. But nutritionists also emphasize that it is important to make sure your meals are high in fat because this is also an essential nutrient for the body to maintain normal activity.

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Therefore, instead of using animal fat, experts recommend olive oil, grape seed oil . as a healthy source of fat .

3. Combine probiotics into your diet

Probiotics are healthy bacteria available in your digestive tract. They help keep the body healthy by countering the negative effects of unhealthy foods or drugs such as antibiotics.

In addition, probiotics probiotics can assist the intestines to enhance nutrient absorption, strengthen your immune system, and may even help treat irritable bowel syndrome.

4. Ensure adequate protein during meals

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Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, but slimming cuts of meat can lead to uncomfortable digestion. When you eat meat, choose lean meat, such as pork loin and skinless poultry.

5. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise will help food move in the digestive system easily and thus reduce constipation. Exercise has a positive supportive effect in maintaining a healthy body weight and a balanced body with a suitable weight is a very important condition to maintain your digestive health. .

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6. Pay attention to the main meal time

Three main meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner. Scientists stress that you should not skip any of these three meals if you want to keep your digestive system in particular and your body is generally healthy.

With breakfast, you should eat after 7 hours because at this time the intestine absorbs the nutrients well. Lunch should be a relaxing time away from stressful topics at work.

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Finally, scientists also recommend arranging an early dinner time so that the stomach can work well, not eating dinner for less than 2 hours.

7. Eat concentrate

You should not watch TV or phone while eating. Negative habits when eating will harm the health of the digestive system. When eating, you should chew well until the food is pure and should eat small pieces that will be good for the digestive system. Therefore, you should arrange and prepare enough time for meals so that you don't have to rush.

8. Drink water 1 hour before or after eating

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Drinking a glass of water before or after a main meal for about 60 minutes will support digestion of food. Especially when you want to lose weight, drinking water will help you limit overeating. Conversely, while eating, do not drink too much water but only drink a little water if you see the tongue need " breaks ".