Habits should not be done immediately after a meal

Do not smoke, drink tea after meals

According to recent studies, smoking after meals will cause 10 times more harm than smoking at other times.

Experts have shown that blood circulation during digestion is very fast, so the harmful components in smoke will be absorbed more so that the liver, brain and blood vessels are damaged.

Do not eat fruits after meals

Picture 1 of Habits should not be done immediately after a meal Eating fruits after meals seems to be a hobby of many people. However, this is a wrong habit.

The sugars in fruits will accumulate in the stomach because it cannot be digested through the small intestine. This will affect the digestive ability of the body, moreover if the sugar buildup in the stomach for too long will be fermented causing abdominal distention, diarrhea or stomach acid too much.

After eating fish, shrimp should not immediately eat sour fruits because fish and shrimp contain a large amount of protein, it is easy to make indigestible compounds.

The best time to eat fruit is 1 hour before a meal or 2-3 hours after a meal.

Do not bathe or brush your teeth after meals

After-meal bathing causes surface blood flow to increase, thereby reducing blood flow in the stomach. Therefore, gastrointestinal function will be less effective.

In addition, many people have a bad habit of brushing their teeth right after a meal because they will hurt tooth enamel.

Do not exercise, sing karaoke after meals

After eating, do not immediately exercise, especially for the elderly. Because within half an hour after a meal the stomach will become very heavy. If strong activity of gastrointestinal function will be affected. Therefore, you should only exercise after eating for about 30 minutes.

Experts also recommend that it is best not to sing karaoke after a meal. When singing abdominal muscles will increase the pressure that affects digestion.

Do not sleep immediately after a meal

After eating, the stomach is full of food, the digestive organs are in a state of movement, going to bed immediately will affect the absorption and digestion of the stomach.

At the same time, after eating, blood to the brain will be missing so sleeping after eating is very easy to be hit by the wind. Also, when sleeping, metabolism will be limited to the amount of heat that will be converted into fat which is not beneficial to the body.