'A balanced meal' to stay healthy

The meal consists of ham, tomatoes, bread, lettuce, followed by low-fat yogurt, apples and a glass of orange juice. Most people think it is a high-quality meal, but is it a healthy, balanced meal?

Health 'mantra'

Picture 1 of 'A balanced meal' to stay healthy (Photo: Twaze) Many people say: 'Diet is an art and a dieter is an artist' . Dieting actually requires a process, not just a meal, a meal. Diets must incorporate a variety of foods, meals need to reduce the amount of food and not reduce the number of dishes.

The term 'balanced meal' is one of the health 'mantras' but very rarely fully explained. It is a menu that combines a variety of foods, including cereals, beans, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, fats and oils. The essence of the idea of ​​a balanced meal menu is to combine reasonable food, primarily taking the nutrients the body needs, while maintaining a healthy weight.

There is no need to adhere too rigidly to the amount, there may be more of this food and a little less, such as some essential fats and oils for dieting, for many reasons, including soluble fatty acids, but you only need a small amount.


In the UK, the Ministry of Health launched a program called 'balance for good health' that helps people balance food items to have a balanced diet menu. Scientists claim that changing a variety of dishes not only brings an appetite but also adds enough to the body.

Most of us don't eat enough according to effective advice: 3-5 meals of vegetables, 2-4 servings of fruit a day. Be careful that high protein foods do not provide too much fat along with it, cut off fat and remove chicken skin. Also think about how you cook food, fried meat or rolled dough that will provide a lot of fat.

Meals . fitness

Diet is a diet required by physicians, for example with high blood pressure, high fat, high blood pressure; with diabetics avoid eating a lot of sugar (including many sweet fruits because of increased blood sugar); For women who use oral contraceptives should quit smoking . Dieting only avoids certain foods, but diets have strict requirements, if violations affect the health and development of the disease.


And of course, it is indispensable to ' filter ' water every day. If you find that drinking 2 liters / day is difficult, it can be replaced by artichoke tea, bitter tea, chrysanthemum tea, lemon juice. When 'loading' enough water, your body can be assured of brain and cardiovascular activity.

According to the Institute of Women's Health Care (US), dieting only restricts energy into the body, not reducing excess fat, so exercise will help you have a refreshing, healthy spirit. flexible and consumes a significant amount of fat. Being able to walk often is one of the best ways to keep fit.

Physical training activities that give you a refreshing spirit, 'burn' an excess of energy, your body will become firmer and more harmonious. Swimming, dancing, walking, badminton, basketball is one of the good suggestions. In addition, you should also take advantage of massage, sauna, which is also one of the ways to relax the spirit with the function of slimming.