Food handbook for healthy party season

Let's build a healthy eating menu to stay healthy and have fun in the last days of the year!

Drink a lot of water

Picture 1 of Food handbook for healthy party season

Major holidays often fall in the last months of the year such as Christmas, New Year's Day . this time the weather is very cold and dry, our body needs a large amount of water to compensate for many activities on the days. this. Moreover, we often party and eat many unhealthy items. So the more you need to drink plenty of water to purify, eliminate toxins in your body and avoid constipation in the winter.

Limit the typical holiday dishes

Most of the dishes in the festive season are usually prepared in a rotating, fried, or frozen manner. The main ingredients of these dishes are many kinds of meat, fish . Although eating deliciously, it makes the body uncomfortable, sluggish because they are very difficult to digest, causing stress to the digestive system.

Ideally, you should eat them with a variety of green vegetables, salads or break them down, not to eat too much at one time.

Make a variety of green vegetable juices available

Picture 2 of Food handbook for healthy party season

If you still want to add more fiber to your body, but you are afraid to eat vegetables, you can grind or squeeze them out to get water. Use a variety of healthy vegetables, tubers, fruits such as lettuce, young vegetables, cheeks, apples, celery . You can grind them individually or combine them together to form a kind of water Nutritious, energetic pressed. Make a little ready and put it in the fridge for your convenience whenever you want to drink.

Healthy snacks

At this time, we often have many kinds of confectionery in our house and so you can chew them all day. The best way is after eating and drinking, walk around the house or practice some gentle movements to drain energy.

Picture 3 of Food handbook for healthy party season

If you often go out in the evening and have a snack in the street, limit your intake to dishes such as vermicelli, vermicelli, noodle soup or grilled chicken legs . They are high in calories and difficult to digest. Instead, you can choose healthy snacks like baked chestnuts, cashews, walnuts .

Limit the use of stimulant beverages

Drinks such as soft drinks, soda, alcohol, beer . are not good for our health. Instead, choose green tea or other herbal teas. In tea, there are many antioxidants that are beneficial for the body, both for skin beauty and anti-aging, and for weight loss.

You can also combine green tea with lemon to lose weight or hot tea with ginger to keep your body warm, but be careful not to give sugar or just a little sugar!