8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Season delivery is the moment when nature changes from season to season. This is also one of the moments that many people feel excited and excited.

However, hidden behind the cold taste of autumn is countless interesting things that not everyone knows. Let's quickly check out the most happening things on the day of the season.

Let's review the interesting facts when the date of the season appears

Season of the season

1. Everyone is happy and wants to go out

Picture 1 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

An American study showed that people become more aggressive when the weather is too hot. Therefore, cool weather after a series of hot days will make people feel more comfortable and comfortable. Moreover, this weather also affects the feeling of happiness of people.

2. Street suddenly congested more

Picture 2 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Getting people to go out and enjoy the mild atmosphere will make the streets become more crowded, sometimes congested.

3. The fast food shop suddenly became crowded

Picture 3 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Research by scientists at the University of Wurzburg (Germany) has shown that emotions affect our reception of food flavors, in particular making us "ignore" the amount of fat intake. .

Therefore, there will be no excuse for you to refuse fried, fast food and continue your excursions.

4. Baked hot pot shops "don't expect tables"

Picture 4 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

With lower temperatures, the metabolic circulation in the body is often slowed down. At this time, you will feel colder, then, many people choose for themselves a hot food such as hotpot, baked as a way to warm themselves.

5. Wrestling when you want to have a "bear" immediately

Picture 5 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

In a cool and windy weather, the FA often felt more sad and lonely when their friends were given a "bear" to hang out with. Along with that, this sadness also contains the ability to "activate" latent viruses in the body, causing stress, affecting the immune system in the body.

6. Sleep and sleep

Picture 6 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Instead of going out on the street with lonely sadness, many FAs will choose to bury their heads in blankets to satisfy their sleep. Cool weather makes sleep become more deep and delicious, along with cold weather, lack of sunlight makes people deviate biological rhythm, tends to sleep earlier and wake up later.

7. Jubilant mood but easy to get respiratory disease

Picture 7 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Weather during the season is often very easy to cause respiratory diseases. The reason is that the body cannot adapt immediately to changes in temperature, humidity, airborne agents . Especially, those who are sensitive, the weaker the resistance, the higher the chance of getting the disease.

8. SAD seasonal depression syndrome is on the rise

Picture 8 of 8 things are most happening on the day of the season

Published in Archives of General Psychiatry, people with SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) produce more hormone melatonin than normal people.

This type of hormone secretes much at night, helping us sleep better. However, they trigger feelings of despair and sadness, reduce body temperature, making us weaker than normal.