Russian scientists have found a way to manipulate genes to create female goats that can secrete the same milk as human milk, used as a raw material to produce effective medicines.
For more than a year now, Dodo chimpanzee in a zoo near Bangkok, Thailand, has given her tiger milk.
A group of international archaeologists recently discovered the earliest evidence of domesticated horses.
Argentine scientists have introduced cows and goats milk to a special diet that prevents tumor growth and some other diseases.
A city in southern China is considering the possibility of using contaminated milk powder as a raw material for brick production, to limit the risk of soil and water pollution.
Eating too much sugary food will promote the formation of uric acid, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, directly affecting kidney function.
Avoid drinking milk while taking thyroid medication, while caffeine interacts with antidepressants, so don't drink coffee.
You may not believe it but in fact there are foods that are good for your body but harmful to your teeth.
Maternity immediately after giving birth, if you eat a lot of soup or chicken meat, can lead to a lack of milk, even losing your milk badly affects your baby's health.
According to a large-scale study in India, two-thirds of tested milk samples were found to contain various substances including detergents.