Be careful when you see your ear showing this sign

If the ear is found with acne, it is a sign that your body is in big trouble.

Those of us who have at least once felt "crazy " because of the annoying acne notes like to grow wild. At the time they grow in the middle of the forehead, at other times dominate the side of the pretty mouth, but "crazy" is most likely when the acne resides in the nose or ear. Oh why but annoyed, uncomfortable but also makes us so ugly!

But have you ever wondered, why acne can get into our ears "drive" is it? Do they have wings flying in because they're too dirty so new acne grows in the ears? Let's find the solution right away.

Picture 1 of Be careful when you see your ear showing this sign
Acne may appear anywhere, the more "dangerous" it is, the more difficult it is to remove or treat them .

According to Pimple Popper - a dermatologist in California (USA), acne - especially blackheads can appear anywhere in the body. But behind those obnoxious acne spots is the body's health warning sign.

Specifically, according to the Face mapping version of Dr. Michael Shapiro, dermatologist, Medical Director and founder of Vanguard Dermatology Institute (India), the acne grows on the ear - that is the signaling sign. Your kidneys have problems.

Picture 2 of Be careful when you see your ear showing this sign
Acne grows on these points on the face, meaning that the corresponding parts of your body are having problems.

Accordingly, the ear is the microcosm of the human body, but mostly represents the kidney. If acne occurs in the area around the ear (sometimes inside the ear), then your kidneys have problems, or your body signals that you need more water .

The kidneys have an important function of excreting body substances and water as an indispensable ingredient that helps the kidneys function properly.

If you do not drink enough water, your kidneys are more likely to be poisoned and more susceptible to urinary tract infections. Not only that, lack of water - the activity of parts of the body slows down, circulation becomes difficult and stagnant. It causes the heart to work more continuously, resulting in a rapid heartbeat, a sharp drop in blood pressure, headache, dizziness.

Not only that, cramps will come more often. The reason is because high body temperature will cause changes in muscle components: electrolytes, sodium and potassium.

The imbalance in fluid inside the body increases the stimulation to nerves in the muscles, and causes the muscles to automatically choke, causing cramps.

To prevent this, you need to add plenty of water, avoid drinking coffee, caffeine drinks and high salt foods . These are foods that can make the body "more excited".

Picture 3 of Be careful when you see your ear showing this sign

Besides, the appearance of small pimples in the ear - it can also be caused by folliculitis . Because the structure of the ear canal is half-sealed, the outer half is the skin, along with the bristles of the ears, beneath the pores are sweat glands, sebaceous glands so it is easy to become inflamed, creating acne in the ear canal.

On the other hand, it is easy to scratch your ears often and your device is not easy to scratch and cause ear canal infections.

Therefore, when you detect acne in your ear, you should go to your doctor for appropriate treatment.

Face mapping is an ancient method derived from Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese.

Simple to understand, Face Mapping is "drawing diagram" on your face, divided into many separate parts, each part has a close relationship to the different parts and organs inside the body.