The habits that are harmful to the eyes

The eyes are considered the most important and delicate part of the body, so it also requires careful and careful care.

Bad habits harmful to the eyes

However, in everyday life, we often have habits that negatively affect the eyes but do not notice.

Eye injury

Picture 1 of The habits that are harmful to the eyes

When dust or foreign objects fall into the eyes, the first habit many often do is put their hands up to rub their eyes. They think that eye-rubbing hands now help keep the eyes from feeling uncomfortable.

However, a recent study has demonstrated that activities such as rubbing eyes, or sleeping face-down on the bed can lead to vision damage, an increased risk of glaucoma and other eye diseases.


Statistics show that among patients with cataracts, 20% of people smoke heavily. In fact, smoking can cause biochemical changes in our body, accelerating the aging process by promoting collagen destruction. The result of smoking is the gradual weakness of the eye and cataract.


Going to bed late will definitely harm your eyes. Like our bodies, our eyes need time to rest. If you lack sleep, close your eyes and get enough sleep so your eyes can rest and relax.

Sun exposure at high intensity

When your eyes are exposed too much to the sun's harsh sun, especially ultraviolet rays, your eyesight is not only impaired but also damaged to the surface of the eye, in addition to causing the eyelid and surrounding skin cancer. eye.

It is best to wear sunglasses to protect the sun from UV rays and protect the eyes safely.

Diet improperly

If you are reducing the amount of amylum, fat or starch to keep your body slim, never forget to give your body full of vegetables and fruits. Research shows that vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin A in green vegetables and fresh fruits can help prevent eye disease and the appearance of wrinkles.

Using computers too much

Today, computers have become an integral part of modern life. Usually, most people have to work and study with computers so it is hard to avoid dry eyes. According to science, long periods of focus on computer screens, little blinking and lack of eye lubricant secretions are the cause of dry eyes. Moreover, working with computers a lot, eyes often have to regulate, so they have tiredness and eye pain.

. Picture 2 of The habits that are harmful to the eyes
Photo: boldsky

Read books when there is not enough light

When you read a book in a blanket or in poorly lit conditions, your eyes will quickly become tired and strained. If this happens regularly, your eyes will be very damaged and lose your eyesight.

Do not eat orange fruits and vegetables

Orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins, papayas, oranges . contain large amounts of vitamin A and beta - carotenne is good for the health of the eyes, helping to brighten the eyes. If these foods are removed from your diet every day, your eyes will quickly fade and deteriorate.

Read books on the go

Reading while walking or taking trains, trams and cars is one of the worst habits affecting the eyes. The movement of the car makes your eyes adjust accordingly to be able to see the words. This causes stress on the eyes.

Abuse of eye drops

Eye drops work to constrict blood vessels, causing the red fibers in the eyes to disappear. Eye drops can reduce red, dry symptoms, but too often use can cause long-term eye irritation. Therefore, if you have eye problems, you must follow the prescription and your doctor's instructions, absolutely do not use eye drops on your own.

Picture 3 of The habits that are harmful to the eyes

Watching TV

This is a bad habit many people have. It can make you feel comfortable right away, but it really makes your eyes stressed because the angle of access to the TV is not good. Regularly watching television in this position will greatly affect your vision.


When squinting, you are adjusting the eyeball to read what is on your computer screen. This will create a lot of pressure on the lens, which will seriously affect eyesight.