People with pinkeye can spread the disease to others even if they do not have clear symptoms. Wearing glasses also does not eliminate the risk of infection.
Many people have a habit of rubbing their eyes to feel better. However, according to experts, this action leads to more harm than benefits.
Like contact lenses, Nanodrops cannot cure myopia but is just an alternative to wearing glasses.
By the end of the year, this drug will be tested on humans and if successful, this could be an effective solution to help people with refractive errors not wear glasses.
Many parents still apply folk remedies to self-treat in cases of eye disease, especially pinkeye.
Pinkeye is a common disease, occurring in all ages and very contagious. So what is pinkeye? Which route of pinkeye is transmitted and how is it prevented?
When suffering from pinkeye, people often arbitrarily buy medicine to use without the doctor's appointment. If the patient uses the wrong medication, prolonged abuse of the drug
Researchers have found that using an eye drops with low levels of daily medications for children while they are growing can prevent the progression of nearsightedness.
The eyes are considered the most important and delicate part of the body, so it also requires careful and careful care.
In just one week (September 15-21), the number of red-eye cases in Hanoi was more than 4,100, while from the beginning of the epidemic to September 14, there were 1,870 cases.