Dreams often appear in people's sleep. Having dreams of bad luck, disasters, dreams of disease.

A recent study by scientists from Japan has found a way to

Like humans, dogs also have dreams and convulsions when sleeping. Only one thing they don't have is the shadow!

In fact, dogs or other mammals have dreams, and the things they dream about are just as lively as humans.

A new study found, while dreaming, people often want the most to be up and sex.

When we get older, we will have to go through illnesses

Death in a dream reflects the change we see in others or ourselves, many people worry about the death dream as an omen of what is going to happen.

Nightmare is a dream of terrifying images, but so realistic and vivid that it can interrupt sleep.

Change your sleeping position if you want beautiful dreams.

According to Professor Jim Horne, a sleep expert from Loughborough University (UK), beta blockers used to treat blood pressure have long been considered the culprits for scary