Dream training meets aliens

For anyone who wants to make contact for the first time with aliens perhaps the best advice is to eat a large amount of cheese before going to bed.

Researchers have discovered evidence, they can 'train' volunteers who meet aliens in their sleep dreams, focusing on a half-dream state and seeing aliens in mind.

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) said they can 'train' people with experiences beyond imagination, that is to meet aliens through a dreamless state. through a series of mental exercises. Specifically, by testing more than 20 volunteers, 7 people announced they had seen aliens in an experiment that ended just three days ago.

Researcher Michael Raduga, said: 'Alien contact does not exist for other world citizens, but the poor state of consciousness helps people fall into the unconscious state'.

Volunteers who participated in this test commented that it was strange to dream of meeting aliens with a very vivid image.

Picture 1 of Dream training meets aliens
Dreaming to meet aliens is real. (Photo: Dailymail)

Volunteer Craig recounted: ' I went through a nap that lasted from 10h40 to 11h20 minutes. I was originally a person who had trouble sleeping, but I thought nothing was impossible. After that, I fell asleep and got lost in the feeling of floating. I myself saw aliens. Next scene, I was near a mountain of trees, there was a spaceship and there were two aliens wearing helmets on their heads. '

Researcher Michael Raduga, author of a number of 'control' books about the state of dreaming, said: The fact that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and aliens may have meetings suddenly in a controlled attitude. 'The data of this experiment is extremely real in the state of creating an unexpected meeting with aliens without verification.'