Dwarf seahorses catch bait 1/1000 second

Although it has a small body and moves slowly, dwarf seahorses are one of the most effective predators in the ocean world.

>>>These animals are easily confused

Picture 1 of Dwarf seahorses catch bait 1/1000 second
The dwarf seahorse quickly caught within just 1 / 1000th of a second.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Dwarf seahorses are only 2.5cm long, S-shaped body and have small dorsal fins. Unlike most other fish with protruding jaws, seahorses have a long, slender muzzle toward their prey in quick snapping for only 1 / 1,000 seconds.

Marine biologist Brad Gemmell at the University of Texas in Port Aransas said: "We know that seahorses have successfully hunted with a short-range bite. The problem is why they continue. access to prey at very close distance but still not detected by prey? ".

It is known that the main food of pygmy seahorses is crustaceans and they are very sensitive to changes in their surroundings.

Picture 2 of Dwarf seahorses catch bait 1/1000 second
Dwarf seahorses are hunting.(Photo: Newscientist)

To answer the question, Gemmell and his team used high-speed cameras to measure the movements of seahorses and water surfaces as it approached the prey. The results were amazing, the water in the muzzle area was very small compared to other parts of the body. When prey lies within the ideal range, dwarf seahorses give a shocking bite in just 1 / 1000th of a second so the chances of escape of prey are almost nonexistent.

Thus, although the slowest swimming species is only 150cm / hour but thanks to the special structure of the head, dwarf seahorses become formidable face killers in the ocean.