Early detection of more than 100 types of cancers thanks to nano optics

Scientists at Rutgers University (USA) have found effective methods in diagnosis and right from the first stage from nano optics.

According to results published in Nature Biomedical Engineering, this method proved superior to previous cancer detection methods, such as.

Picture 1 of Early detection of more than 100 types of cancers thanks to nano optics
Scientists have tested this method on rats.(Illustration).

Scientists have tested this method on rats. Thanks to injecting optical nano into their bodies, small tumors on mice can be easily detected. Specifically, these will emit infrared light when passing through the blood vessels, helping doctors monitor tumors even when they metastasize to other organs such as the adrenal glands or bones.

Early detection and diagnosis of tumors when they start metastasis is still a major challenge in medicine because the current imaging methods are not yet effective enough to be able to detect injuries. small.

Optical nano results faster than magnetic resonance imaging and the ability to support early detection, monitoring and treatment of over 100 types of human cancer. Scientists expect to apply this method within the next 5 years.