Early signs of cancer should not be ignored

Sudden loss of unexplained weight, abnormalities in the skin, wounds, long-term scratches, changes in bowel habits . may be an early indicator of cancer.

Routine tests and scans are the best way to detect cancer at an early stage, have not spread, have no special signs and are easy to treat. For cervical cancer and colon cancer, medical tests can prevent the disease from developing in the first steps. Some other types of cancer do not have specialized imaging facilities, the abnormal signs are important for cancer indication.

Cancer is not simply a disease but a group of diseases that cause most abnormal signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms will depend on which part of the cancer is cancerous and how large the cancer is, affecting the internal organs of the body as well as the cell. If the cancer has spread (metastasized), then signs and symptoms may appear in other parts of the body - not just the part that causes the initial cancer.

Cancer causes many fairly general symptoms like flu, extreme fatigue (weakness) and weight loss. The reason is that cancer cells use a lot of energy from the body or they secrete substances that alter the body's energy absorption process from food. Cancer can also cause reactions to the body's immune system, which can produce cancer signs and symptoms.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Cancer Association (UICC), smoking / smoking is one of the 9 major risks of cancer.

Picture 1 of Early signs of cancer should not be ignored
(Artwork: Ovca.org).

Studies show that many people ignore symptoms or underestimate the severity of cancer-causing symptoms. In a study conducted in London - England, scientists concluded that 60% of patients experience symptoms caused by cancer 3 months before the diagnosis and see a doctor to discuss the signs effect, this symptom. Very few of them think they are signs of cancer.

Symptoms including unexplained rapid weight loss, changing the shape of the mole - these signs must be checked immediately by the oncologist. In addition to fatigue, persistent cough is often caused by causes other than cancer, there are no signs that should be neglected or poorly examined, especially when they are prolonged and the patient is not sensitive. feel better even after using some drugs, treatment.

Reasons to see a oncologist:

Weight loss without cause:

If you lose about 4.5 kg, not intentionally, it may be a sign of cancer. Weight loss occurs mostly with cancers such as pancreatic cancer, stomach, esophagus (the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach) or lung cancer.

Flu, fever

Sometimes cancer can affect the immune system, making the body resistant to influenza-causing infections, fever. It may be an early cancer symptom of leukemia or lymphoma.

Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and exhaustion and the patient does not feel relieved even after resting. This may be a sign of some types of cancer including: blood cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer.


Bone cancer, penile cancer causes pain. A headache does not work any way, even though taking pain medicine may be a sign of brain tumor. Back pain is a sign of colon cancer or ovarian cancer.

Changes in the skin

When types of warts, moles, and freckles change in color, size, shape, or blur, you should check for skin cancer or other types of skin cancer. Other skin changes are signs of cancer, such as darker skin, jaundice, yellow eyes, red, itchy, itchy skin or unusually fast growing hair.

Changing habits, urination

Constipation or continuous diarrhea, changing the size of the stool is a sign of colon cancer or colorectal cancer.

Long scratches or tears in the mouth

Skin cancer can cause bleeding and scratches cannot be seamless. Long-term tear in the mouth is a sign of oral cancer, especially for smokers, chewing tobacco and often drinking alcohol. Genital pain can also be a sign of early infection, male infection or early cancer.

White spots appear in the mouth

White spots in the mouth, white spots on the tongue are the premise of oral cancer. These symptoms are caused by frequent oral blisters - a sign of pre-cancer. This symptom in smokers and tobacco users can develop into oral cancer if not treated.

Unusual bleeding

Coughing up blood is a sign of lung cancer. Seeing blood in your stool when you go outside (looking at dark stools or black stools) is a sign of colon cancer. Vaginal bleeding is a sign of cervical cancer or uterine cancer. Urinating with blood, watch out for kidney cancer or bladder cancer Bleeding nipple indicates breast cancer.

Feeling tumors, lumps

Many types of cancers are felt through the skin. These types of cancer are usually breast cancer, penile cancer, lymphoma and soft cell cancer in the body. Some other forms of breast cancer do not appear to be bumpy, lumpy, or dull.

Difficult to digest or difficult to swallow food

Symptoms of dyspepsia and difficulty in swallowing unexplained food are signs of stomach cancer, palate and esophageal cancer.

Persistent cough and dizziness

Prolonged and unbearable coughs are a sign of lung cancer. Dizziness is a sign of laryngeal or thyroid cancer.

Having one or more of the above symptoms does not mean that you have cancer or may have cancer. But if you have a symptom or feel your body has a problem, see your doctor as soon as possible. This is extremely important if symptoms persist and you don't feel better. Even if you don't discover anything related to cancer, you can solve your health problems and worries.