Earth buckles under environmental disasters

Record heat, droughts, and floods all over the world in 2010 have been a proof that human environmental destruction has surpassed the limit.Below are heartbreaking images of environmental disasters that happened in the past year.

>>>2010 may be the hottest year ever

Picture 1 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
On the Vacha dam, Krichim, in Bulgaria, volunteers are trying to clean up the lake filled with plastic bottles and garbage.

Picture 2 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
The penguins living in Antarctica are floating in the sea ice due to melting ice.NASA figures show that each year Antarctic ice cover decreases by 57 billion tons.These penguins are at risk of dwindling residence.At the same time, the melting of Antarctic ice makes the sea level rise.Even a small island nation like Tuvalu is in danger of being swallowed by seawater.In addition, the area of ​​water on the surface of the open Earth will also make the rainy season longer.

Picture 3 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
Panfang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China has been completely drained because the water level of the Changjiang River is low, the rainfall is very low.The entire fishing area was busy before, now both the boat and the net had to be folded into a corner.

Picture 4 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
At a wood processing factory in Indonesia, a large number of primitive trees have been exploited.These trees will be used to produce paper.Local governments have gained great benefits from timber exploitation and processing, however, they and their children and grandchildren will pay dearly for destroying the ecosystem here.

Picture 5 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, is under attack by a sandstorm.All buildings in the city are engulfed in dust.Global climate change makes the arid regions more dangerous.In the continent, every year, sand storms have aggressively killed thousands of people.

Picture 6 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya, the highest peak in Africa.Previously this peak was snow year-round.However, according to scientists' statistics, due to the warming of his whole climate, in 2007 compared to 1912, the amount of snow covered on the top of the mountain has decreased by 85%.

Picture 7 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
The explosion of the DeepWater rig on the Gulf of Mexico in the US last April has left serious environmental consequences.In the picture are two oil-filled hands of oceanographer Scott Porter, from Louisiana, USA.

Picture 8 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
In April 2010, Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland erupted violently.The pillar of dust caused by this volcano interrupted aviation across European countries.

Picture 9 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
At the end of May 2010, Pacaya volcano, 40km from Guatemala city, erupted violently.Its molten lava flow has forced thousands of people living nearby to evacuate.

Picture 10 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
On the night of June 6, 2010, a horrible water cannon took the lives of seven people in the state of Ohio and wounded dozens of others in America's Midwest region.In the picture is a woman returning to her house to search for the remaining objects.

Picture 11 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
On June 16, 2010, the West of France was attacked by an intense hail.

Picture 12 of Earth buckles under environmental disasters
On July 20, Russia had 71 people died from swimming.This is the deadliest day of the summer with the most deaths in history and also started the most terrible heat season in this country.