Electromagnetic pulse bombs: A mass destroyer of electrical equipment

All electrical and electronic devices such as computers, televisions, refrigerators, cars, telephones, electric cars and many electrical appliances will all be useless if subjected to electrical bombs. from EMP destructive.

Do you still remember the power cut in 1989 in some areas around Quebec (Canada) that caused about 6 million people to live in the power outage for nearly 9 hours? That power outage is not caused by an electromagnetic pulse bomb, but by a devastating typhoon caused by solar activity.

However, both types of electromagnetic pulses generally have relatively similar effects on electrical and electronic devices.

What is an electrical pulse bomb from EMP?

ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP ) is a weapon intended to be used to destroy electrical and electronic facilities at a certain target. Given the fact that most devices today use electricity, it is hard to imagine the harm the EMP bomb will cause on these devices. All electrical and electronic devices such as computers, televisions, refrigerators, cars, telephones, electric cars and many other devices necessary for other life use electricity will become invisible. If you encounter the destruction of EMP bombs.

Picture 1 of Electromagnetic pulse bombs: A mass destroyer of electrical equipment
Imagination of the destructive power of EMP bombs on a city.(Photo: Ringofblogs).

So how does an electrical pulse bomb from EMP work?

The working principle of an EMP bomb is essentially the creation of an enormous electromagnetic field. Light, radio waves, X-rays, microwaves are all types of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is the wave capable of transmitting itself, including an electric field that oscillates perpendicular to the magnetic field. Both electric and magnetic fields have the same phase and oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. The electric current is capable of producing magnetic fields, while the reciprocal magnetic field can induce and generate electric current in wires placed side by side.

Normally, electrical and electronic devices only use enough electricity to operate normally. Any changes or fluctuations in current intensity also cause trouble repairing these electrical and electronic devices. This is the weakness of electrical and electronic devices that EMP bombs focus on exploiting. Extremely large electromagnetic pulses will produce a strong magnetic field, inducing the generation of auxiliary currents in the circuit, causing overload and eventually making electrical and electronic devices work improperly.

Some types of electromagnetic pulse bombs are common

There are several ways to generate electromagnetic pulses. One of them is using explosive nuclear weapons, thanks to the Compton effect. When a nuclear device is used to explode, an enormous amount of electromagnetic energy will be released, which in turn will interact with atoms in Earth's atmosphere and then they will be ionize. The electrons released during the ionization process are then collected by the Earth's very strong magnetic field, creating an oscillating / changing current and generating magnetic fields. Therefore, the electromagnetic pulse is generated.

Alternatively, electromagnetic pulses can be generated by non-nuclear techniques, such as high-power microwaves. The FCG (FCG- Flux compression generator bomb) is also another type of electromagnetic pulse bomb. Basically, they consist of a metal cylinder wrapped around a coil of wire. This syringe is filled with explosives.

When the coil of the bomb is powered and electric current is generated, the electric field will appear. Then, thanks to the presence of the fuse the explosive will explode and make that metal cylinder will be pushed to the coil side contact, creating a short circuit and thus leading to a phenomenon of a compression magnetic field. And finally, the electromagnetic pulse is generated.