ESA announced the mission to conquer new space

The European Space Agency (ESA) has announced that its two new projects will focus on studying the 'hot' universe and scouring the mysterious waves of gravity of the universe.

Picture 1 of ESA announced the mission to conquer new space
Europe strives to build a new strategy for the Space Vision project - (Photo: ESA)

Both of these missions are related to basic astrophysics, in order to dissect in detail the key processes for the broad evolution of the universe, leads the press release from ESA. .

L2, the second mission of the Space Vision program , will be deployed using a state-of-the-art X-ray observatory to track how ordinary matter accumulates in galaxies and galaxy constellations, as well as the development of black holes.

Meanwhile, the L3 mission will study the gravitational pull of the universe, searching for time-space bands created by massive gravity objects, such as the combination of black holes.

ESA decided to choose the two missions out of 32 proposals after it called on the EU scientific community to comment on the new direction of the Space Vision program.