Every Halloween sees demon face pumpkins but does anyone know the true story behind?

The origin of the Halloween pumpkin is not simple.

The pumpkins are carved into scary faces, accompanied by the glimmering light of the inner candle which has long been one of the most characteristic symbols of Halloween.

Picture 1 of Every Halloween sees demon face pumpkins but does anyone know the true story behind?
The demon head with pumpkin.

However, did you know that behind it is an extremely bizarre story?

The legend of the pumpkin begins with a character named Jack Stingy (Stingy Jack) . On a fateful night, Jack invites Satan to go drinking. Because his stingy nature doesn't want to pay, he convinces Satan to turn into a coin and then use it to buy drinks.

Somehow Satan heard that and agreed. Only thing, Jack has proven himself to be stingy all the time, by deciding not to buy alcohol and putting coins in his pocket. He also added a silver cross to control, preventing Satan from turning back.

Jack gives the condition that Satan must make sure not to touch his soul after his death. To return to its original form, Satan reluctantly accepted the request.

Picture 2 of Every Halloween sees demon face pumpkins but does anyone know the true story behind?
Satan also becomes a trick for Jack.

Other times, Jack continued to trick Satan into climbing the tree, while he carved a sign of the cross into the tree trunk so the demon could not come down. The condition he gave was that the devil must not touch him within 10 years.

Soon after, Jack died. God did not accept Jack to heaven and send him to hell. However, because the promise was still in effect, Satan could not contain Jack but let him go into the endless darkness, accompanied by a coal to light up.

Jack burned the coal, put it in an empty radish and wandered, threatening children. Since then, people called Jack's ghost of Jack lanterns and every Halloween, people carved scary faces on radish, potatoes, and gradually pumpkin like today. Inside were lit candles to ward off demons like the way Jack did in the past.

Picture 3 of Every Halloween sees demon face pumpkins but does anyone know the true story behind?
Jack was miserable and the lantern was made of radish.

So far, the carving of pumpkins and placing them in front of the house on every occasion of Halloween has become an indispensable cultural tradition for every family, not only in the US but also many other countries in the world.