Halloween ghost festival and things you don't know yet

What is Halloween? Halloween is an annual festival that takes place at the end of October and early November, but is it a festival to commemorate what? Why do people have to disguise and dress so disgusting?

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Is it a ritual to worship evil or is it a remnant of pagan rituals since ancient times? The word 'Halloween' itself comes from Christianity, which is a combination of Hallows Eve (sacred feast day or holy holidays) that takes place on the first day of November, the month of the month for the souls that have passed away. But there is also evidence that even in the 5th century BC Celtic in Ireland celebrated this day on October 31, the last day of the summer as a New Year celebration.

What date is the Halloween 2017?

What day is Halloween? The question is simple but no less you don't know what Halloween is on the day and what is the meaning of Halloween? The answer is: Halloween 2018 on Wednesday, October 31, 2018.

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Halloween pumpkin symbol

Halloween icons are pumpkins carved out of imaginary faces.

The story tells that, on that day, the dead will return to the human world to find a body and enter it to be reincarnated next year. That is the only way that those souls can be reborn. Celtic people believe that the day is the day of the harmony of the yin and yang, the dead and the living can interact with each other. Of course, the living people never want their bodies to be robbed by the "robbers" souls, so on the evening of October 30 all the villages would extinguish the fire and wear extremely disgusting and marching costumes. All over the neighborhood to drive away the souls to find the body to enter.

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Picture 3 of Halloween ghost festival and things you don't know yet

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Spooky makeup on Halloween holidays

There is another document that suggests that the Celtic people suppressed their fire so that the next day all residents would light their houses with the same fire taken from the center of Ireland. And the bodies of those who are possessed by spirits will be tied to piles and burned to warn and also to ward off souls that want to be reborn. But more and more people believe that these are just legends.

Halloween was later introduced to many different countries, but each country turned it on so that the Halloween holiday was yours. First to mention the Roman people, from the first centuries AD, the ancient Italians used this last day of October to remember the goddess Pomona, their fruit goddess. The symbol of Pomona goddess is an apple, this explains the game of biting apples on Halloween today.

Story of Pomona apple

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Pomona apple - Halloween

The apple tree has long been associated with the image of immortal gods and wisdom. If an apple is horizontal, it will reveal a 5-pointed star, symbolizing the goddess in the beliefs of the ancient Europeans. Pomona apples are apples dropped in pots of water, or on strings. Young men of age who are looking for ways to get an apple and who can do it will be married soon. In addition, there are many interesting folk legends such as who peeled Pomona apples in front of a mirror next to a burning candle that would see the image of a future spouse in the mirror, or try to keep the apple shell. The longer your life lasts, the longer .!

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Adding the apple will reveal a 5-pointed star

Europeans believe that the bizarre Halloween costumes are not of Celtic origin but are of European origin. In the 9th century, on November 2 every year and also the day for souls, lay people often dressed like beggars and went from village to village asking for symbolic crumbs. for food that nourishes the soul. These people believe that the more bread they ask for, the more souls of their loved ones will receive the prayers. Catholics believe that these prayers will help their relatives souls who are stuck somewhere will go to heaven.

Legend of Halloween

According to Irish legend (Ireland), the word 'Jack-ó-lanterns' comes from a person named Jack. Jack is a dead boy but the soul is not allowed to enter Heaven for reasons: when he was alive, he was originally a greedy, stingy man, often hiding money, miserable without giving alms to anyone a little something. But he could not go to Hell because when he was alive he used to play with demons, so the demons did not arrest him.

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The story goes that one day a demon came to harass a residential area, unfortunately being alarmed, people came to help the monks bring holy objects to 'cover' and 'lock the doors' out. So the demon was captured . Jack realized it was the demon who used to play with him and Jack tried to remove the 'demon cover' object that paved the way for the demons to escape.

In return for saving his life, the devil promised Jack that he would not catch Jack's soul to Hell. Therefore, when Jack died of an accident, Jack's soul was rejected by Heaven. Jack immediately went to Hell, but the demons didn't give in . because of the promise. Seeing Jack coldly miserable, the devil took some charcoal in Hell and put it in a pumpkin intestine and gave it to Jack to heat . on the way back to the world. In order for air to enter fire, Jack must puncture the pumpkin . and the fire from inside has illuminated the path of Jack's wandering. Perhaps Jack must hold the lamp wandering on the ground until the final judgment of mankind.

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Halloween was introduced to the United States in 1840 following the Irish immigrants to the United States. At first it only performed on farms, but today like many other countries Halloween has become a common holiday for everyone, especially for young people.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, trick or treat was not popular in major cities because in these places 'neighbors' hardly existed; Many people are side by side without knowing each other, so Halloween sometimes causes disastrous things. Today, many communities and organizations have patronized the playing habits of Halloween, so it has become a very welcome festival for teens and some young people.

The custom of Halloween

'Trick Or Treat' This is the main activity of most children and teens in the United States on Halloween night.

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'Trick or Treat' - 'Give candy or tease'

'Trick' raw means: fool, mischievous ghost game: 'Treat' is welcome, treat kindly, treat. Young children and teens, young people dressed with devil-shaped clothes and masks, then took the lantern from house to house in the neighborhood, knocked on the door and said 'trick or treat'. : 'If you want us to not play bad, please treat us.' Normally, neighbors always want to avoid 'trick' which means playing tricks, so they treat them with candy and fruit (according to the custom of putting money inside).

Educational significance of Halloween

Jack's actions and life have become experiences for youth to draw a lesson to be human, that is:

  1. Living should not be greedy, stingy, stingy
  2. There must be charity, compassion, help to the poor

Do not play with demons. Demons understand figuratively are deceitful, threatening, frightening people, mischievous deeds created by intelligence and imagination of young people that sometimes harm people, to society . Playing, socializing with the devil will be tempted to go into the dark and sinful way.

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However, the story of Jack in the Halloween night also recorded a fair attitude of demons, that is "the grace, resentment" and " keep the promise." Although this "keep promise" made for Jack. falling into the position of wandering souls.

For European societies, American Halloween has become an annual entertainment festival for children and adults. Few people are interested in understanding its human meaning.

Meaning of humanity

If you dig deeper, you will probably find a human personality in the story. Try asking the question: why in the light of science and technology that European countries and the US still spend a festive day for people of the 'Realm', which is represented by Jack?

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Jack is an imaginary figure but has truly embodied in his life, as a human being . but a lonely person. When he died, Jack became a soul, no place to be used . Heaven and Hell all refused!

The tradition of European and American festivals was reserved for Jack one day. One day be returned to the ocean realm. On that day, Jack can live and play freely, because the living person has disguised as a devil so that Jack's soul has a place to blend in to help lonely. This is the meaning of the Halloween festival's humanity.

With this human meaning, Halloween and Full Moon of the lunar calendar of our country can be considered as the two negative realms, Duong reunited in immense compassion.