Evil particles from the universe are exploited by scientists ...

Nearly a year after discovering mysterious ghost particles from the universe down to Antarctica, scientists have devised ways to take advantage of their powers.

Ghostly particles (ghostly particles, also called) are a mysterious subatomic form of material discovered by the IceCube detector in Antarctica last year. These particles are derived from the Sun and many other unidentified bodies.

Picture 1 of Evil particles from the universe are exploited by scientists ...
The IceCube system - where the first ghost particles are captured - (image provided by IceCube research and management team).

In an article published in the scientific journal Nature Physics, the team of scientists came from the Institute of Particle Physics, a unit coordinated between the National Research Council and the University of València (Spain), stated. France uses devilish particles to study the mass, density and elements deep in the Earth's heart.

The research team discovered that contrary to the original judgment, the earth did not fully absorb the evil particles. The probability of absorption is negligible and most particles can still pass through the globe.

Through the measurement of mysterious cosmic particles passing through Earth, scientists can capture important parameters. This promises to be a cost-effective and accurate method to replace somewhat or complement traditional geophysical methods.

In order to determine the effectiveness of the method, they conducted many tests and obtained results that were consistent with the results that the most modern geophysical measuring machines produced.

Geophysics is an important Earth science, helping people grasp the movement of the elements that make up the earth, explaining important events in the history of the earth, somewhat predicting and intervening. future natural phenomena and application in research.