First time traces of dark matter particles were found

Mysterious dark matter is always an unanswered question for scientists. This type of invisible material accounts for three-quarters of the universe.

However, scientists from the University of Florida (USA) recently announced, for the first time they have explored dark matter particles.

Scientists say they found the whereabouts of two 'Wimp dark matter particles' at an American iron mine in northern Minnesota state at a depth of about 610m with a highly sensitive probe.

Picture 1 of First time traces of dark matter particles were found

The universe is fanciful.Illustration.

Scientists believe that matter that detects up to three-quarters of the capacity is dark matter particles. However, they also acknowledge that, to determine whether this finding is exactly dark matter particles or not, it is necessary to continue to detect more similar particles.

Dark matter is one of the most mystical things in physics, the discovery of which could become the biggest scientific breakthrough in the last 100 years.

In the 30s of the 20th century, astronomers first became aware that star clusters, atmospheres and dust accounted for only a small part of the universe.

Therefore, they came to the conclusion that the galaxy itself must be rotated around the universe and eventually collapsed, unless they were attracted by the gravitational pull of an extremely large and invisible material. fixed in a certain position.

"Many people believe that we detect matter closest to dark matter, but in reality it is not just us, other experiments are the same," said the University of Florida doctor . So it can be predicted that, within the next 5 years, someone will see a clearer sign of dark matter. '/.