Drop into strange areas, American spacecraft constantly inspired

A series of strong strikes in the universe attacked an American spacecraft after it became the first human species to exit the solar system.

>>>Video simulation of Voyager 1 position

On July 9, the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) announced that their Voyager 1 spacecraft had entered the interstellar space , becoming the first human object out of the Solar System. NASA scientists draw conclusions based on the "tsunami" waves hit the ship, RT reported.

"Usually the interstellar space is like a calm lake. But when a material explosion occurs on the sun, about a year after the shock will spread to the Voyager 1. The impulse will cause matter. plasma around the spacecraft shook, "said Ed Stone, an expert at the California Institute of Technology in the US, on NASA's website. Stone has been the leader of the Voyager program since 1972.

Picture 1 of Drop into strange areas, American spacecraft constantly inspired
Illustration of NASA Voyager 1 spacecraft in the universe.(Photo: NASA)

The sensor system of Voyager 1 detected a significant change in the concentration of two charged particles in its surroundings from December 25, 2012. A type of charged particle exists inside the solar system, while one exists outside the system (ie it belongs to interstellar space).

"The concentration of charged particles in the solar system is reduced by 1% compared to before, while the concentration of charged particles from interstellar space nearly doubled," astronomer Bill Webber, professor emeritus of Dai Study New Mexico, speak. Webber is the head of the Voyager 1 data analysis team.

The amount of charged particles is one of the three signals that NASA uses to calculate the time the ship crosses the boundary of the solar system. The sharp increase in the number of particle streams means that the ship is about to or has entered interstellar space. Based on some other data, NASA concluded that Voyager 1 has entered interstellar space since August 2012.

"On August 25, 2012, the distance between the ship and the planet is 121 astronomical units, meaning 121 times the distance between the globe and the sun," said Professor Don Gurnett, an expert at the University of Iowa. and in charge of the data analysis team of Plasma Wave Science equipment, said.

Voyager-1 was launched on September 5, 1977. Voyager-2, another spacecraft, flew to space on August 20 the same year. The initial mission of the two ships was to explore the Jupiter, Tho, Hai Vuong and Thien Vuong stars. After completing the task in 1989, they flew towards the center of the Milky Way in two directions. Two ships' nuclear reactors will stop producing electricity for another 10 to 15 years. After the reactor stops working, the electronic equipment and broadcast of the two ships will " rest" permanently.