Extraterrestrial creatures may have come to China

People in Zhejiang Province, China saw a strange object glowing in the sky at the end of August and many scientists believed it was a means of transport of extraterrestrial beings.

Picture 1 of Extraterrestrial creatures may have come to China
The glowing object in Zhejiang changed from a circle to a rectangle.
(Photo: shanghaist.com)

People Daily said strange objects began to appear on the evening of August 31. Its reflection in the river looks pretty. Many people in Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province witnessed that scene.

'The object is quite large and seems to be moving, ' said one witness.

Another flashing light appears above the object. It starts moving slowly towards the object when people are talking. The bright spot appeared in the eyes of the people for about 10 minutes and began flying towards Haining city.

Two reporters from Haiyan County TV station used cars to chase strange objects to Haining City. They took quite a few pictures of the object.

A photo shows the object in a round shape and emits blue light. Many other sparkling light spots fly around it.

But after a while the two reporters noticed that the object seemed to be transformed into a rectangular shape. It flew up high and finally disappeared around 22:00, after three hours since it appeared.

Is the strange object in Zhejiang a means of transportation of extraterrestrial creatures? According to People Daily , at least one group of Chinese scientists thinks the possibility is very high. Professor Wang Sichao of Purple Mountain Observatory, confirmed that a few days before a strange flying object appeared in Zhejiang Province, a number of other strange objects also appeared. He found them capable of resisting the attraction of the earth and seemed to be involved in some research.

However, the professor was optimistic about the presence of extraterrestrial organisms.

' If they have goodwill with us, humanity can promote civilization on Earth by exchanging information and cooperating with them. If they have a bad intention, humans can still defeat them if we are prepared , 'he said.

This is not the first time a strange flying object has appeared in Zhejiang this year. At around 9pm 7/7, a strange glowing object appeared in the sky of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Its appearance caused the closure of Changshan International Airport in Hangzhou City and many flights were canceled or diverted.