Detecting extraterrestrial creatures?

British researchers have discovered a special form of matter in the Earth's stratosphere, and eloquently claims that humans are descended from alien creatures.

>>>Evidence of extraterrestrial life

Extraterrestrial life is not only an existing reality, but alien objects are constantly falling like rain on us, helping explain the origin of all life on Earth.

Picture 1 of Detecting extraterrestrial creatures?
Mysterious creatures that scientists have discovered.(Photos:

That is the conclusion drawn from the study of Sheffield University and Buckingham University (UK), the team assured that the emergence of the special specimen on the stratosphere is the long-awaited evidence. about extraterrestrial life.

But, still unsatisfying when explaining one of the mysteries of the universe, researchers also argue that their findings explain the origins of humanity and that all life on earth originates. from space.

According to the Daily Express, Professor Milton Wainwright and his colleagues found the specimen when dropping a hot air balloon into the stratosphere during the Perseid meteor shower last year.

A balloon up to a height of 27,000m from the ground collected a previously undiscovered creature, about 10 microns in size, made of carbon and oxygen, not derived from cosmic dust or volcanic dust.

However, Professor Wainwright's statement came under criticism from the scientific community, with many arguing that although this creature is unique, it is not possible to draw conclusions from it that it is life outside. Earth, according to