Feeling 'crazy' because of the click of a pen? It is a sign that you have a mysterious disease

It also makes you angry when you hear a breath or chewing gum.

Saying that, what sounds can make you so angry "crazy"? The sound of chewing gum, the dentist's dental drill, or simply the click of a pen, but the other "third-class ghosts of the students" still work all the time in class every day?
If you are angry with one of the sounds above, please inform, you have suffered from Misophonia psychosis syndrome .

Picture 1 of Feeling 'crazy' because of the click of a pen?  It is a sign that you have a mysterious disease

The term "misophonia " means " hate sound ". According to preliminary diagnosis, hatred here is directed towards the natural sound of people.

Misophonia people easily get mad just because the sounds are very small by humans like chewing food, chewing gum, even breathing.

Picture 2 of Feeling 'crazy' because of the click of a pen?  It is a sign that you have a mysterious disease

At this time, the brain commanded the heartbeat of those with increased Misophonia, sweating like a bath as a way to face and cope with the other sound.

Researchers at Newcastle University have found differences in " emotional control mechanisms" in their brains when sound is activated.

Dr Sukhbinder Kumar from the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University shared that this is a mysterious disease and no treatment yet.

Many researchers agree that Misophonia is associated with other psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, and depression.

Picture 3 of Feeling 'crazy' because of the click of a pen?  It is a sign that you have a mysterious disease

This research shows us how important changes in the brain are and it can make you "crazy" just because of very small causes.

However, previous research by Northwestern University (USA) shows that people with this sensitive syndrome have unexpected creativity. Accordingly, Misophonia sufferers score higher on tests. And the longer they suffer, the higher their score will be.