Guess the disease by measurements of hips and waist circumference

We already know that the BMI (body mass index) that is too high may be the same Picture 1 of Guess the disease by measurements of hips and waist circumference signs of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Recently another sign is concerned, which is the waist measurement.

First, stand in a straight position and use a measuring tape on your abdomen (below the last rib) and your hip (the top hip bone). Then see the information below to find out what the measure says:

If you have a waist measurement greater than or equal to 91cm, chances are you are overweight and are at risk for heart disease or diabetes.

The smaller the ratio between the measurement of waist and hip measurements, the better. For example, if you have a waist size of 70cm and a hip of 80cm, the ratio of the waist and hip measurements is 0.8. If the waist measurement is 81cm and the hip is 79cm, this ratio will be 1.02. With a ratio of 1.02, your risk of getting sick is huge.